hooked up.

I hooked up with a guy at a party, I’ve always been attracted to him..and now he just doesn’t relaly talk to me. I feel like I’m really liking him and its killing me inside..we do talk but I always have to start the convo, it almost feels ilke a love-hate relationship. and that I want him to be in pain over me..ugh has anyone ever felt this way ?

Answer #1

yes I have felt this way and played all the cards WRONG and it sounds like you are doing the same. Don’t make yourself so avilable and move on, if he comes back around then it is up to you to talk to him again.

Answer #2

hmm doesnt seem like he’s interested :( its happened to me tooo many times… just let it be because if he wanted to make something happen he would have taken the inituative to start conversation or even try to see you again

Answer #3

yepp the more you want them the less they want you its helll let me tell you I have had almost an identical situation happen to me haha

Answer #4

no offense but “take a hint” comes to mind…

Answer #5

I hate to tell you, but sex isnt going to get you what you want. Boys DONT date girls who are easy. I dont know how many times I have to say that, but its TRUE!! Just because a boy has sex with you, doesnt mean he likes you, and wants to date you. You got used, and if you expect/want a commited relationship, or even get a guy to like you in the right way, keep your legs closed! Have some self respect, otherwise they arent going to either!

Answer #6

I didn’t have sex with him

Answer #7

Then give us YOUR definition of “hooking up”!

Answer #8

yup I know exactly what your going through. im soo sorry that this is happening to you too.. but guys like that arent worth our time.. I guess people are right.. if we’re too easy for them they wont date us.. so you can do it! move on and try to meet other people.. or even just focus on urself for a while.. he will come.. but all in its time.. so dont worry girl and be happy!

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