How to tell your homophobic mom you're bi?

Answer #1

Don’t tell her.

Answer #2

Just go right ahead and tell her. If she accepts you, she loves you. If she doesn’t, she’s not worth your time.

Answer #3

i guess if you want . you could wait till your an adult. so she couldent do anything..but for all you know she might accept you for who you are. good luck. i wish you the best. if you want someone to talk to about this id be glad to:)

Answer #4

kk thanks

Answer #5

thanks everyone!!!!!!!!!

Answer #6

ok.i know at least with my parents.they said they would love me no matter what i did in my life. that includes religion, or jobs, and im sure they they would still love me if i was gay or bi

Answer #7

Ya…. Im just so afraid she’ll kick me out again!!!

Answer #8

To think in this day and age we still have homophobia in this world, tsk tsk

Answer #9

Seriously, if you think that your Mom is going to react badly, WHY TELL HER NOW!!! Telling her now is more along the lines of trying to hurt her, after all, no one announces at the dinner table that they are heterosexual and currently frenching (or humping) someone. So why the rush to declare you major? You are totally dependant right now on your parents. Wait until you can make it on your own, then let them know, if you must. IF you are going to tell her, make SURE that you have friends that you can turn to if your parent(s) react badly. There are organizations that can help you. In the US, Planned Parenthood centers often have LGBT teen groups who can find support from one another. (At least several in Pennsylvania do.) And I know of at least one young teen in our local group that was kicked out by her parents.

Take care, and Good Luck!!

Answer #10

Good question. I’m kinda having the same problem. Idk how to tell my parents I’m bi either. I’m 28 and I still live at home due to my disability and not being able to afford to live on my own. Being that I’m an adult it shouldn’t matter but I’m still terrified to tell them. They have both made comments about bi’s and gays that I didn’t appreciate so I know they wouldn’t take lightly to it. Just keep it between you and those you trust. I have told my momma (my biological mother), my sister, and a few close friends and that was it. Not many people right now know that I’m bi. You don’t have to tell anyone that you don’t want to. It really isn’t anyone’s business to be honest. If you need to talk feel free to message me okay :) Good luck and I wish you the best,

Answer #11

Ya same with my mom… She said all bi’s and gays should burn in hell… and thanks means alot

Answer #12

You’re welcome hun.. If you wanna talk feel free to email me, add me on fb, or text me, 623-335-4666

Answer #13

Ok will do!!!!!!!

Answer #14

Don’t tell, when you move out do what you want.

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