How to slow dance at Homecoming?

So homecoming is in like two weeks . And this senior that is rlllyyy cute (im a freshman) asked me to save him a dance . and so I agreed . . . duh! and neither of us have dates . we want to go in a group . But I dont know how to slow dance I guess . Help ? And tips ?

Answer #1

slow dancing is easy you just put your arms around the other person(usually their neck), their arms go around your waist and you just kinda sway to the music lol

Answer #2

Aw, (:

First off, way to go for gettin with a senior! Okay. My boyfriend didn’t know how to slow dance either till I went over to his house and helped him, and he’s good now. So I hope this helps you. It’s really not that hard. It’s not like the ballroom dancing stuff, so don’t try that. You’ll look silly (: You, being a girl.. just wrap your arms around his neck, and get close to him. Your bodies don’t have to be touching, unless you want them too. And most people do. He’ll put his arms around your waist and just move back and forth to the music. Take it slow, and eye contact is great while slow dancing. So keep that in mind (:

Have fun at your homecoming, && good luck.

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