What is your favorite holiday?

What is your favorite Holiday?

Answer #1

I do not have one

Answer #2

Christmasss, defiantly

Answer #3


Answer #4

Maleka why you are copying from me

hahaha I am joking :)

Answer #5

hummm…my is it’s same as bmw’s holiday (( Eid holiday ))…^_^

Answer #6

I suppose the most meaningful would be my favorite - so, a tie: Christmas / Easter.

Answer #7

Christmas and Easter…

Answer #8

I’m a fan of the Fourth of July. I love the fireworks and celebrating our freedom! Plus my birthday is on the 5th so it’s always a two day celebration.

Answer #9

my favortie holiday would be valentine’s day. but mostly because that is my birthday to:)

Answer #10

My favorite holiday is Eid holiday

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