My ex's brother and I

me and my boyfriend broke up after 2 months of going out. and now I found out his much cuter much nicer brother. (who is a year older then me) likes me and is going to ask me out. would it be weird if I went out with him?

Answer #1

I had the same problem, I dated this boy for two months and then he broke up with me and his twin brother who was way nicer than him started to like me, but I wouldn’t date him because I thought it would be weird and I regret it. so I think you should go for it.what if you don’t have this chance again then you’d regret it too.

Answer #2

yes and no see the fact that ya’ll went out for only 2 months means ya’ll had time 2 get to know eachother and bond but at the same time it sounds like some soap operah sand if you like him why should it matters what other people think about it and if it feels right to you and him then do you and f what other people think about it but if you are the kind of person who cares what other people think then you probably want to think twice about going out with your ex boyfriend brother…

Answer #3

yeah im still not sure what im gonna do. I mean me and my ex werent even that close. in the 2 months we went out we only went on a couple ‘real’ dates. but this summer were going to the same camp so we’ll see what happens… oh and im 8th grade and hes in 9th. so once I get to the highschool I think we’ll be better friends like we were last year ya know? thanks tho that helped a lot

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