How can I lose a lot of weight?

im 16 years old, and I weigh almost 215 lbs.. I want to lose a lot of weight so I can get a boyfriend..and fast.. what do you think I should do? how can I lose weight?

Answer #1

Ok look the main part to losing weight is working out!!! I can’t stress enough about that. also eating the right foods will help, don’t just stop eating all together b/c your body will go into “survival” mode and slow down your metabolism. Instead eat 4-5 small meals a day enough to make you feel good but not stuffed, again nothing unhealthy. for breakfast eat some fruit and yogurt, for lunch eat a salad (dressing is the fattest thing you can put in your body, so if you use any use low fat or none at all) eat things like fruit, fish, salads, baked chicken..etc normally if you think wow this will make me fat.. then it will.. so use your best judgment. as a rule we (us losing weight for wrestling) wont eat after 8:00 pm you might want to try this too.

As for working out, get up and go for a run in the morning, if you have a weigh set do very low weigh high repetition (try this web page for more information),,6p6,00.html

at night if you have a dog take him/her on a long walk, or to a field you can chase him/her around and play. if you do not have a 4 legged friend then go for another run or even walk, this will get your metabolism moving. If it is dark out and you are running or walking be careful, let someone know you are going out, and wear a color that shows up in the dark, i suggest just going before the sun goes down.

Well I’m no professional, but I have been losing weight for a long time now, so I hope this helps good luck!

Answer #2

Okay, I learned the hard way, the only way you’re going to do it is for yourself, and ONLY for yourself. I’m sixteen also, and a year ago I weighed close to 300lbs, and no matter how healthy I ate, or how much I exercised, I would always end up crashing and gaining more. I finally learned that the only motivation I need is myself, not a boyfriend. I now weigh close to half my previous body weight, and am going to keep it off. A few things I learned was be sure you’re getting at LEAST 5-6 servings of fruit and vegetables a day, and believe me, I thought it’d be hard, but once I figured out really how many different kinds there were, it became easy…if fact, I went vegetarian, haha. If you can’t stomach the thought of that many, there are plenty of powder drinks supplements available that provide 10+ servings. One that isn’t too bad tasting is called Greens First. Another thing is that be sure you’re getting at least 25 grams of fiber a day. Aim for 35 though; that is what I claim has helped me lose my weight. Be sure you’re eating whole grains, nothing refined or processed. You’d be surprised at the options out there. Try going into your local health food store and looking around. Once a week, be sure to treat yourself whatever you want to avoid burnout. If you’re looking forward to something at the end of the week, it’s easier to say no on the other days. If you want an order of fries, go get one, but get a small order instead of a supersized. Eat no more than 1100 calories a day, drink at LEAST half your body weight in ounces of water every day, including at least 8-oz before each meal, and exercise at least 4 days a week, for a least thirty minutes. I started out walking for 30 minutes at about a 2.5 mph pace, and increased to 4.0 mph pace and anywhere from 6-7 miles a day. Find something fun, like walking or biking, or swimming, or kickboxing, or dancing, just whatever you’re into, and vary your routine often. Take a different route, try a different move, ect. It takes patience, and a lot of determination, but I know you can do it. I hope it goes well for you, and good luck!!

Answer #3

my doctor said 4-5 small meals palm sized portions and less fatty foods and fried foods she also said small healthy snacks in between meals will help you not eat so much during a meal

Answer #4

stop eating so much at one time/ or so late at nite.

Answer #5

hound247 is right on the money and has given you some sound advice..

Answer #6

Same Exact problem lemme know what you find And dont you dare starve yourself Its NOT worth it. =]

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