help wid music!!!

I wanna start listenin 2 english music but I dont understand da lyrics well, so I wud like 2 know how 2 go about it??? which bands and singersr easy 2 follow, and wats da difference between rock, metal, hip-hop, etc please do lemme know, guys!!!

Answer #1

Yeah, Im sorta confused by that too. And practically all english music is easy to follow if you listen closely. Hip-Hop- consists of voices that talk rather than sing and is characterised by the slower bass. Metal-Lots more screaming, and has guitars. You’ll know once you here it Rock- lots less screaming, more sensual lyrics, and has guitars and other instuments. Here are some bands to start you off. Paramore Nickelback Linkin Park U2 Avril Lavigne Daughtry and Good Charlotte. Let me know if you need more. Im not into that type of music but I know almost all the hot bands out.

Answer #2

Your speaking english now tho? =S & you can’t understand it? how does that work.. confused

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