Friend is bipolar and told neighbor lies

I made friends with a girl who turns out to be bipolar, she has spread terrible untrue stories to our neighbor, who believes what he has heard from another source who happens to be friends with the bipolar girl. The neighbor has stepped on my property, accused me of lying, cussed me,. He has slandeed me to the neighbors who now shun me. My husband and I did not do or say anything except deny his alegations and point out the source was a bonified lier, but he apparently hates me. I have been depressed, and uncomfortable enough for us to put our beautiful house for sale. Our house has not sold yet, but I am getting tired of the neighbor. what can I do?

Answer #1

ok being by polar doesnt make lie and speed rumers. If she does that than that means she’s a b*h. Just stay away from her. If your neighbors are being jerks just ignore them. If they keep doing that you can all the police.

Answer #2

I agree about the labeling thing, there are many bipolar people with good morals who wouldn’t do something like that and non-bipolar people who would, her disorder may not even be the cause.

Anyway, I would confront your old friend and your neighbor. Since you have already decided to move, just remind youself that you know those things aren’t true and the way these people are treating you is totally unjustified. Be patient and when you do encounter the neighbor, whether you confront him or not, let it be his problem. Trust me, I know its not easy, but try to remember that they do not need to have so much power over how you feel. It is wrong and unfair, but be thankful you are not that type of person. I don’t think manipulation by “playing the weaker side” will help you, it seems it would only make you just as immature. If you do cry when you talk to them and tell them you’re hurt thats fine, as long as it’s not to be manipulative.

Answer #3

huh. that reallysux. you could always take the pitty route and start crying to them and, you know playing the weaker side. maybe they will see how wrong they were and how much they hurt you and turn on the bipolar girl.

Answer #4

yaa I agree with heyjay2 you should go for a wearker side it might work

Answer #5


Answer #6

confront the “bipolar girl”…does she have a name? I hate to just label her like that. anyways, confront her and tell her how it’s affecting you and your husband. tell her you two are good people and need for her to go to your neighbors and tell them the truth.

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