Psychiatrist for bipolar disorder

I have mania as well as depression, and I know its not completly accurate but I have done a few bipolar tests online and my results come back that I am highly likely to have it… so thats a starting point to get this sorted.

I am 90% sure I am bi polar after a lot of research. everything I found out about bi polar made me think “omg thats just like me”…

for example my mood swings are ridiculous.. 1 minute I will be high as a kite. and within a matter of seconds I will be feelin terrible and sucidal. for no reason.

thats not the only reason I think im bi polar.. theres a lot more to it than mood swings… but I cant be bothered to type out everything

I’ve already talked to people close to me.. but now im realising its time for professionl help…

im just scared that if I tell them they will force me to take medication. or force me to go and live in a mental home…

I will refuse medication. but I hear you can see a physcothrist… are they any good?? where do you see them? how long for? will I benefit from it or shall I just carry on how I am.. im just scared aswell if I dont. things will get worse.

some 1 please help and answer my question directly.

Answer #1

No one will force you to take medication and you won’t go to an institution for bipolar disorder. I suspected I had it for years and was just diagnosed with it a few weeks ago. It really is a difficult thing to deal with so you really should see a psychiatrist. If it is not treated, it gets worse over time.

stopandthink- Bipolar mood swings are not the same as regular “womens” mood swings, at all! I really don’t think it is wise for people to give advice about mental disorders they know nothing about.

xsteffx- I hope you don’t have it but if you do, it is better to find out sooner than later. Good luck to you!

Answer #2

Websites can’t diagnose you. Also, it’s not within minutes that you get mood swings. My aunt had it SEVERLY. She passed away. Took her own life.[gun] Psychiatrists can be dumb. But she did drink and smoke. I believe, that anyone can change themselves. If not. Well, then I guess they can try docs, but it’s all about the mind and humans really haven’t figured that one out. Blood sugar does. Dad’s a doc.

Answer #3

If they give you medication, it’s to help you They won’t put you in an institution for this

Answer #4

hi there, wow ! I’ve been up all night doing research on bi-polar and there are certain things I want to express and get a point of view before my manic subsides to a depressive.

I started my research just like most of us do, by trying to find a cure, I was ignorent till yest. about being bi-polar, I was blaming it on weed, friends, break up of a very long and imp relationship xyz… and while researching if weed was the cause of such sudden mood swings I stumbled upon this revelation that I am bi-polar and certainly hope it helps now that I know what is causing it.

I have lot of thoughts on this topic, little scribbles and “ genius discoveries” according to me on various socio patterns but I wont get into that.

but ihave realized and I m going to stick to it, that my manics are the reason I am so different and unique from others, because a manic state gives me unexplained confidence that allows me to surprise myself at times, and I think it is very healthy to be able to pleasantly surprise yourself now and again. I considered going for psychitric help, considering maybe I am in a super intense manic and that is why I am refusing medication, so to clear the doubt I have created certain behaviour check points, you can do the same if you really really listen to yourself, to the point that you can do your exercise on the beats of your heart beat using them for counting ( if you think you can do it, then you cant, when you can do it, you will know for sure)

my condition is, I have a slight mood alteration every 6 seconds, I have real real hard time remmembering and focusing on things( thts the negative part ) but when I am not using my wonderful and powerful brain to concentrate on the porous world that we have, I have noticed I get brillant thoughts and I manage to put myself in life advancing situations ( totally worth the depressions )

I am no expert on science, but I am a p.h.d on myself, not because I have a mental disorder, but because I geniuinely care for myself and theres a side to me which refuses to seek help, fair enough. I am giving myself time to heal myself, the way I think I want to be healed. you just have to keep doing what makes sense to you, its your mental disorder after all. and bi-polar cases arer unique, I dont understand how can generic treatments help anyway??

but to be safe from myself, I have really analysed myself and I have created behavioural check points, for example the 3 third time my brain tells me I need to see a psychiterists I will do it, immediately. but at the same time I have to give myself a fair chance to treat and diagnose myself right, because if I dont and I just surrender to science, education, religion or advices I will loose belief in myself, my brain and body will become lazy and dependent and then its just downhill from there, happy controlled life.

I am going to post this, unedited, and without reviewing it, to let you have an insight on my mood cycle, ( if you could notice or relate to, that is )

all I want to say is, I am planning to fight it out, no one dictates how I should live, and they shouldnt because they dont have the sluightest clue about how I want things to begin with.

I am 24, and I m a successful entrepreneur, a drop out but is still ahead of the game, I failed twice in my acadamia before I quit, within 15 months I had hired couple of batch mate frinds ( graduated friends ) and also had the oppurtunity to hire a proffessor from the same college. I demand and deserve respect. everybody is bi polar, only the intensity and their knowledge about themselves differs.

hope this helped, I am on a quest to solve this, if you feel the same you can contact me.

cheers mate…life can be a bi-tch or a be-ach depends how you want to pronounce it.

Answer #5

you need to loose yourself to an addiction it is very important, I think an form addiction is first step to self awareness. I am getting addicted to weed. the reason addiction is important is, its only when you surrender yourself to something can you actually notice your behaviour pattern, you will be astonished to realize how you behave extremely different under the same circumstance but on a different day. makes you realize about how your moods work and what triggers it, road to salvation. I m not recommending weed, I am just being honest, so that people can have true insights, as my intention is to stimulate just that. any addiction is healthy, music, dance, driving, working, drinking, smoking, singing, drawing, sports etc its nothing more than the most prominent influence around you, but choose something that you are not afraid to loose yourself completely to, and once you do, observe and rectify.

Answer #6

you need to loose yourself to an addiction it is very important, I think an form addiction is first step to self awareness. I am getting addicted to weed. the reason addiction is important is, its only when you surrender yourself to something can you actually notice your behaviour pattern, you will be astonished to realize how you behave extremely different under the same circumstance but on a different day. makes you realize about how your moods work and what triggers it, road to salvation. I m not recommending weed, I am just being honest, so that people can have true insights, as my intention is to stimulate just that. any addiction is healthy, music, dance, driving, working, drinking, smoking, singing, drawing, sports etc its nothing more than the most prominent influence around you, but choose something that you are not afraid to loose yourself completely to, and once you do, observe and rectify.

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