Do I have an STD?

My girlfriend has had cold sores since she was a little girl, and we haven’t been all the way around the baseball field, but we’ve done pretty much everything but just plain sex. I’ve been getting sores on my upper lip that have been there for about 2 days now and I’m getting very scared that this could be herpes or genital warts. She has never been intimate with any other guy before, and I have never constricted any stds from my 1st and only sexual partner from a year ago. I am very sensitive and shy about this topic, and talking to people face to face about it scares me to death. How can I find out if I am STD positive or talk to her about it with out scaring her too much or making her nervous?

Answer #1

herpes simplex 1 it’s called and can come from the body not getting enough rest and when you are sleeping your body reacts because your immune system is low. You wake up with these fever blisters (cold sores). Trust me I’ve had them and have been to the doctors. Only to take money from the insurance company. I’ve been given something called zovirax & does’nt work.If you pay out of pocket it is a small small tube that does nothing but, make it worse. I have something better and trust me it works and probably never even come back. I have not gotten them any more. The name is carmex about a buck and some change. in the pharmacy no prescription needed. Good luck and take care of yourself so you don’t have these worries.

Answer #2

Well you don’t have an STD almost everyone gets cold sores but they are a form of herpes theres herpes one the one you have and you will have for life and herpes 2 wich is genital herpes (thats the std) you dont have. if you need anymore info i google it and this should help.

Answer #3

Dear vandilism33, Cold sores are very contagious and yes if you are kissing her you will no doubt pick up the virus. This is slightly different from genital herpes but it is said that if you do have oral sex and you spread the cold sore virus it could very well turn to genital herpes. Genital herpes does not have to have an outbreak to be contagious. It is a well known fact that when there were no signs or symptoms the herpes can be spread from one person to another. There is no cure. Sue…good luck

Answer #4

Well, You mentioned you’ve done just about everything except actual penetration. This would include, though oral sex… Now, you mentioned she has had cold sores since she was little correct? At the present time, have you noticed and or in the past, any sores, discoloration, or “bumps” on or around her vaginal area?

Herpes is a common viral infection. It causes oral herpes (cold sores or fever blisters), and genital herpes (genital sores or sores below the waist). There are two herpes simplex viruses: • Herpes Simplex Type 1 (HSV-1) • Herpes Simplex Type 2 (HSV-2)

These viruses look identical under the microscope, and either type can infect the mouth or genitals. Most commonly, however, HSV-1 occurs above the waist, and HSV-2 below.

The body’s natural defense system is called the “Immune Responses”. Whenever herpes attacks the immune system, the body fights back against this menace. As the battle grows more intense, there are heavy losses by both the herpes virus and the immune system. This causes the body to be less able to defend itself from attacks by other viruses. For those very reasons, a herpes patient should try to keep the herpes virus under control at all times. There are two widespread attitudes about herpes:

* Herpes does not effect any other part of the body.
* There is nothing I can do to keep from having an outbreak.

Both attitudes are wrong! Remember…

You are not alone. Herpes is estimated to affect some 80 million people in America. At least one in five adults in the United States has genital herpes.

Get more information. The better informed you are about herpes, the easier it will be to manage.

Give yourself the best possible chance to limit recurrences by maintaining general good health and keeping stress to a minimum.

Take care of the affected skin area. Keep the area dry and clean during outbreaks to help healing.

Avoid physical contact with the area from the time of the first symptoms (tingling, itching, burning) until all sores are completely healed, not just scabbed-over. Also be aware of possible shedding or “asymptomatic transmission”, even after the sores have healed.

When properly used, latex condoms help reduce your risk of spreading or getting herpes.

Prevent self-infection to other areas of your body. Wash your hands with soap and water if you touch a sore. Better yet, don’t touch the sores.

Now, The only sure fire way to know if this is the herpes virus, is to get tested. I understand you are afraid… But it would be best for the both of you to at least consult a doctor.

You might want to just have a sit down, open & honest discussion with you’re partner. Make her aware of your thoughts & concerns, don’t get overtly upset or scared about the situation, because you want things between you & her to remain smooth & no complications.

My best suggestion is to go about it like this, “Sweetie, we need to talk… I want us to have an honest, open discussion about something that has been on my mind..” “I am a little worried about these sores we both have, & just for our own sake & to remain healthy, I think we might want to go see a doctor sometime”

And if you would like to speak with a Nurse professional about this, over the phone (Non-Face2-Face) I have a number here, of which you can utilize.

Call them if you would like, they are there to help you, don’t be afraid they keep your Name and any information given to them, strictly confidential per the HIPAA Law. (Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act) Believe me, I use to be a Pharmacy Management Tech: This law prevents ANYONE from printing, viewing, Coping or Electronically sending your information to anyone, other than your PCP (Primary Care Physician) If this information happens to be requested by him/her. And or any hospital or nurse or medical professional I.E. (Only if & when the information is needed for your own treatment or if your in the hospital etc.) And it has to be approved and certified before it can be released.

They will not judge or scorn you, they are there to help you… Feel free to contact them if you wish.

Mainly though, see a doctor. But talk to your Girl-Friend about how you feel…

Here is the Number: 877-688-1101 There may be a 2-10 min wait time, but they actually have a service to CALL YOU BACK when your representative picks up, you maintain the same space in line, yet you can hang up & wait for a nurse to call you back if you would like.

Good Luck! Take care & be Safe okay? If you do happen to have sexual intercourse which involves penetration of the inner vagina. Please, use protection. For the sake of both of you…

Best Wishes, ~Benjamin~

Disclosure: I am not a Medical Doctor, I have not the means to diagnose, I am simply supplying suggestive information & factual statements of similar content. Any action or consequences there of is upon responsibility of member. I refrain any and all responsibility for actions which is not my personal own, and do so under the grounds that it is to be understood, such information is friendly advice. Always consult a doctor before making any major medical decisions, including but not limited to: Diet, Illness, serious medical conditions, medicine dosage, etc.

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