Am I reacting from something to do with the geckos?

Okay. So what should I do? My mom just bought these new gecko’s from some guy she didn’t know and then she bought this white sand stuff from Petco. Ever since we got the sand and I started sleeping in my room with them, my right nostril got clogged and swollen like I had a cold and now my left one has been acting like it. Today, my ear started popping and I tried using that ear wax removal stuff three times and it didn’t work and then my mom squirted water in it like the doctors would and that didn’t work. Now it’s starting in my left ear with the popping. What should I do?

Answer #1

get rid of all the sand its bad for you and the geckos, use reptile carpet instead it’s cheap and easy to clean

Answer #2

here is what you should do: remove the white sand stuff from your room for a while. if you do not continue to have the symptoms then you are probably alergic to the white sand stuff. Do the same thing with the gekos. If you do not have symptoms that you had before then you are probably alergic to the gekos.

hope this helped!

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