What do gecko's eat?

Well, I asked my dad for a pet egcko and he said only if I keep my promise of feeding it when I can, cleaning the cage, keeping my room clean, buying the unneccesary objects (toys and stuff), and I also must research about them but he didnt say for sure if I could get one. One of the things I must research is what they eat as for something we can buy at the pet store. I also need to know what kind of cage I need for it and how big. I’ve been wanting one for a while but I found out enough about them to know they need a lid on the cage, they need to eat 3 times a day, and the cage must be cleaned twice a month. Any suggestions?

Answer #1

thank you!

Answer #2

crickets but you want to take out the ones it doesn’t eat because if the cricket eat’s the gecko’s poo, the gecko may get a virus/infection etc. when it eats the crickets also you can feed it mealworms in a bowl. Make sure you get it’s food from a petstore

Answer #3

get a large fish tank cage that holds up to 20 gallons so he has enough room to run. and they eat crickets. just put a few live crickets into their cage once a day and that’ll b plenty.

Answer #4

small bugs like ants, beetles, crickets, flys, millipedes, ect mostly bugs that would be found in the dessert but almost any will do just dont put centipedes or spiders in there bbecause they could kill them they get there moisture from bugs

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