Friendship trouble

My life is falling apart. I just emailed and txted two of my friends for over reacting and getting REALLY mad at them because they were rude to me. and im fed up with my mother and one of my “friends” just told me that my other friend doesnt even like me( I don’t know if its true or not) and I just feel extremely depressed. please help me

Answer #1

I’m guessing you are young?? and this all seems like the end ot the world, but trust me it’s not. I would like to consider myself fairly young as well but I think I may have a little more life experience than you. I have four kids and I had my first just out of highschool along with that I was a real bad kid in highschool (obviously) and didn’t go to school much because of situations like the one you are going through. Well I am here to tell you life goes on and this will soon be a vauge memory in your mind. However I do think I am still young enough to remember how that feels and I can feel your pain. But my advice to you is…endulge in yourself while you can while you are young and still able to get involved in sports, extra ciricular activities date a million guys (not just one but, be smart) meet new people as many people as you can and just have fun and let your friends don’t worry about your friends worry about you, and no one else your friends will come around. But cling to your family your friends will come and go but trust me in the end your family is all you have. So take care of YOU and only you and your friends will realize eventually your not going to cater to them and there needs and they will come around. If not find new friends, I know its allot easier said then done , but it’s not impossible!! I am almost 30 and every day I spend taking care of my kids,my house, my husband … everyone else. I never worried about me and taking care of me and now I wish I would of. So think about it. You have the rest of your life to worry about others right now is the time to take care of you. So go get involved in other things and don’t worry about the little thinkgs… and trust me they are :) hope that helps.

Answer #2

You’ve put the ball in their court. Now you need to leave it be for a while. Constantly trying to get in contact with them will just annoy them. If they’re really your friends, they will understand that everyone has bad days, and they will get over it. But you need to allow them to get over it on their own time. So give it a rest. Stop stressing and go do something else.

Everyone gets fed up with their mother. It’s a process of life, and especially teenage life. Just go to your room and give yourself a little breathing space.

And stop listening to other people. If your friend didnt like you then why would she be your friend? Instead of making yourself miserable about this, just talk to her. (Unless this was one of your friends who you yelled at, in that case, just give it a rest for now).

Look, this too shall pass. High school will end. You’ll laugh and how ridiculous all the drama was. It wont matter in a few years. Try and keep stuff in perspective. I know it seems never ending, but really, right now you live in a tiny little world and it will eventually get bigger.

Answer #3

everything will be ok just take a minute to calm down

I think you should talk to your mom and explain to her calmly what is bothering you.

and you should probably also rethink who your friends are.
you dont need them if they are not treating you right you can make other friends who are truely good friends

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