Help I have zits!!!

Ok im 13 and I have really oiley skin my father had bad break outs in high school and mymom got them when in her 20 I have trieed a lot of face products including proactive but nothing seems to help its not so bad I need a doctor but I really want them gone what do I do

Answer #1

lmfao that last one sounds yucky

Answer #2

get over it your a teenager.

Answer #3

always wash your face morning and night yaddayadda…try a gentle scrub and use clean and clear persagel as a spot treatment…a at home scrub is a paste of water and baking soda

Answer #4

get oatmeal ,eco yogurt,and honey mix together and put on face try it.

Answer #5

Yeah, you’re kinda over-reacting =_=; Its puberty

Answer #6

your over reacting but try the wave it helped me

Answer #7

i broke up when i used that ir burned my face

Answer #8

it can do that depending on what type of the facial cleanser you use but then again it depends on skin type

Answer #9

its not it works for me u cant hate on it till you try it?

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