Pimples and Zits problem! ehh! HELP!

OK so I have a lot of pimples/zits (whatever you call them)…Got school tomorrow so I want them gone…I m afraid of popping them btw…toothpaste didn’t work for me and I need some home remedies…THX!!!

Answer #1

Thx for the advice guys…still very very afraid of popping…my parents say that getting pimples is a natural thing so I shouldn’t get chemicals and medicines for it…right now I m just drinking lots of water and praying that no one in school notices my forehead ;) lol =)

Answer #2

use a concealer with salicylic acid in it…neutrogena has a great one that I couldn’t live without: skinclearing concealer :)

Answer #3

I disagree with people saying popping is the worst thing you can do. I pop my zits all the time and my skin looks fine. It clears up faster that why. So I would just say pop them if you’d like and the next day just put on some concealor and you’ll be fine. And make sure you wash your face as often as you can.

Answer #4

Well I don’t use make up because that makes it worse because it cloggs your poures so what I do is I rinse with warm water then put this cream called duac on you can get in pharmasists or from the doctor its very good I highly reccomend it

Answer #5

I have the same problem, you can’t have them gone by moring, but here are some ideas you could you use.

  1. Use concealer to hide them
  2. Wash face daily and make sure your skin is clean
  3. Wash face with warm water, them with cold to reduce the pores
  4. make up
  5. pop them, and put ice over it to reduce redness
  6. maybe a face mask (don’t use facemask everyday, bad for you)
  7. search other places online for other helpful suggestions
Answer #6

Never pop them, because that is the worst thing you can do for your face. You absolutely have to use a face cleanser day /and/ night - if not, then there’s no wonder you have some blemishes. Find a good moisturizer, and stay away from makeup.

youcancallmejess, popping them and covering up the damage with makeup is the worst thing you could do.

Answer #7

There isn’t a cure for overnight… ughhh… the person who discovers one will be RICCCHHH!!! $£$£$£$£$£$£$£$£

I would pop them if I were you, then use ice as a compress to reduce redness… little bit of makeup in the morning and it will look fine!

Good Luck!

Answer #8

Well you are right not to pop them as it can leave marks… If you have face wash do not use it more than 3 times a week because your skin can become immune to it… http://www.natural-skin-care-info.com/homemade-skin-care-recipes-face.html

That should help ! = )

Answer #9

Nah soap isnt childish = ) Haha no problem = )

Answer #10

I dont really use a face wash…soap works for me (real childish I know =p)

Nice site btw…thx!

Answer #11

Mmm putting vitamin e is a good thing to put on your pimples, you can try that!

Answer #12

something that cures over night?

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