Why is my vagina red and itchy?

All of a sudden my vigina has become very red, itchy and sore…without sex, and I don’t know what to do.. I get embarrassed easily so I hate going to the doctor about this sort of stuff… - sometimes, I even get huge sudden itching attacks, and im not sure what I should do about this… please help me asap.. in case it is serious..

Answer #1

fires Pink Fluffy Bunnies at kirino

Dude, don’t be mean - she doesn’t know, that’s why she’s asking. And, to say she needs to see a psychiatrist is a very low blow. All you needed to say was that she should pick up a tube of vagiclean or equivalent (bearing in mind she’s not in the US).

Answer #2

For best results,Id see a doctor. It might be awkward,but it could be serious. And wouldnt you rather go now,before it gets worse to get it looked at anyways?

Answer #3

well take them this isnt your fault… they will understand.

Answer #4

ooo I had this problem before it turned out it was an yeast infection so I had to go to the drug store and buy medicine…you can start by using Monistat 3 3-Day Treatment Cream! go buy some!

Answer #5

thanks, I’ll try.. I mean its not like im 18.. so I kinda gotta take my parents with me.. :(

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