Can an allergist tell if you smoked marijuana?

alright, last night me and my friend snuck out with some other people and smoked weed. we got away with it perfectly. we’re like ninjas! and now my mom tells me that I have a allergist appt. tomorrow morning that I totally forgot about!!! would they be able to tell if I smoked or not???

I’m so scared, I can’t get in trouble! please help me!!!

Answer #1

He’s not going to give you a whiz quiz, there’s no point in it, and usually even when going to the doctor they don’t check for that.//even when they do give you a pis*test…they just check the protein and sugar in your urine

Answer #2

I don’t know what an allergist is but weed only smells. They won’t be able to see it. The only problem you have is the nicotine on the back of you teeth from the tobacco. I been smoking weed for like 2year un noticed by dentists and such so no…They shouldnt.

Answer #3

if you wanna get pot outa your system fast than drink viniger eat pickles drink alote of water + gatorade and take water pillz. Weed is sooo not worth it as you can see nobody wins

Answer #4

they cannot tell your mom or anyone else anyways. it would infringe upon your doctor patient confidentiality rights and they could at the least lose their job and at the most you could sue them and make enough money to smoke weed for the rest of your life.

some advice though. dont make a habit out of smoking weed. I have seen a lot of kids move on to other things from it and go to jail. I smoke it so I have no problem with it but it needs to be in moderation because if you only do it occasionally you will get super high every time but if you do it all the time it will take more every time you do it just to get that same high from your first time. thats when you decide to move on to bigger stuff and ruin yours and your families life.

Answer #5

they cannot legally tell your parents if they did find out, which they wont because there is no reason or way for them to tell that you smoked it, they cant tell your parents because it would infringe the doctor patient confidentiality clause and they would lose their job. not to mention you could sue them and make enough money that you could smoke weed for the rest of your life

Answer #6

hey I do that at night too! but your dumb for forgetting and yeahh your gona get caught good luck

Answer #7

They will only know if you get a pee test… I say it’s your own fault if you get caught.

Answer #8

It’s your own fault for sneeking out and smoking behind your parents back. Karma is a b*tch :P

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