I want bangs what should I do?

im really scared of bangs because it took me 4ever to grow them out but I want bangs. what should I do

Answer #1

Did you not like the bangs when you had them? Like what style did you have?

I know what you mean though. My hair was really long and all one length but the style was really blah. I am sure there are plenty of styles of bangs that will fit your face structure. Maybe the next time you go to a hair solon to cut your hair, ask the person what style of bangs would help your face structure and still look good. They would most likely know what to tell you.

My sister hated her bangs when she got them but they really looked good.. So if you just hate them but want them.. You are just going to have to choose. I am sure you’d look hott either way you go. :D

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