What can I say that wont mess things up?

I am so in love with my boyfriend but were going through a really rough patch I’m crying every day and he thinks its bc he’s hurting me but its really bc I don’t want to lose him. He tells me all the time its his fault but its really not at all he’s a great boyfriend he just dosent know it and idt he ever will. But Ill always know he is. I want to be with him forever bc I am so attached and in love with him I don’t know what I’d do without him. He really is by life love and happiness and I don’t want to lose him. What do I do and what should I say that dosent mess everything up???

Answer #1

I think you need to take this day by day, If I am reading your post right you sound like I use to be. Take everyday for what it is worth. be the best person you can be, let things fall into place. If you spend to much time worrying about what May happen you are missing out on what IS happening, This could also push him away because he may feel either he is not right for you or you are to unstable for him. It is hard when you are a emotional person but you need to make the weels slow down and enjoy each moment.

Answer #2

yes bbyi will ilysm

Answer #3

You need to realize that a relationship is 50/50. When things go bad, it’s not always one person’s fault, it’s both of the people involved (unless someone is cheating or something).

You need to sit down and talk to him, tell him how you are scared that the relationship is going bad, and talk to him about trying to fix things. Relationships take work, they aren’t always sunshine and rainbows, you have to work at them and learn how to solve your problems without blaming each other or holdling grudges.

Although realize that you CAN live without him. If it doesn’t work - it doesn’t work. You will be able to move on and find someone new, you are so young.

Answer #4

heyy bby look im sry 4 sayin its muy fault you know im just so scared of losin you so much ily a lot and bby really we cry everyday because of your parents and mine sayin stupid crap and we cant take it but trust me kate we will get through this I promise you and really kate I have 1 quesstion 4 you bby?… WILL you SERIOUSLY MARRY ME?!?!?! I want you 2 be muy wife so everynight I can hold you tight in muy arms sleep witu in our warm bed and so you can have muy bby that I wanna have wit you bby we can get through this just trust me ok bby

Answer #5

The very thing that you are afraid of is the wedge that will eventually come between you…He’s trying to do what will make you happy, or secure…and will eventually see this as an empty hole that cannot be filled.

As harley said…put away your “crystal ball”, it’s not working…enjoy him on a day to day basis, and get your focus off the future…regret of the past and fear of the future, makes misery out of our today…


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