Was I too rough?

I masterbated this morning, and now whenever I want to pee, it kinda hurts. And like there’s a little blood. I kinda feel like I’m on my period, you know- bloating, cramps. But I don’t think I’m on my period. It’s just a lil blood. Plus it hasn’t been a month yet. But I’m kinda scared, was I too rough this morning? What should I do? I’m like freaking outt here. :\

Answer #1

Okay, I’m going to dispel a few myths said here:

  1. Holding your pee will not directly give you a UTI- Urinary tract infections are caused by a bacteria from the bowel getting into your urethra and irritating the urinary tract.

  2. Cranberry juice, while it can alleviate the symptoms, will not make a UTi go away completely. What the cranberry does is make the urinary tract slippery, so the bacteria cannot hold on. It is better as a preventative measure, rather than a cure.

Urinary tract infections are not automatically caused by sex or masturbation- just wearing a thong can heighten the chances of you getting them. I used to get them all the time when I was younger, and I wasn’t sexually active.

Answer #2

Some people are just inclined to get UTIs. Its usually from sex, but you can’t assume that. You can get it just as easily from holding in your pee. You can clear it up with loads of water and cranberry juice (it creates acids that kill the bacteria when you pee it out). Otherwise, get to a clinic or doctor and they can give you some antibiotics and a pill that coats your urethra to take away the pain.

Answer #3

UTI’s can be caused by many things.

if you have to go to the bathroom and you hold it for a LONG time that can cause a UTI. Sex, masterbation can cause it. There is a lot of things that can cause it. Just tell her you are burning down there when you go to the bathroom and she should know right away that you need to be seen. It doesn’t mean you have been doing something you shouldn’t of.

Hope this makes since

Good Luck!!!

Answer #4

It sounds like a urinary tract infection- go to the doctor and get it checked out.

Answer #5

Just tell your mom that it’s because your hold it too much.

Answer #6

it might be infection or nothing improtant at all. But get it checked out incase if there is any infection the cure it very easy.

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