He wont forgive me

Okay so my boyfriend is kinda mad at me because yesterday I texted him during class and his teacher took his phone [[because she heard it vibrate]]…and then he told me that it was all my fault when he said I could text him, and then later…[[hoping that he wouldnt be mad anymore after I did this]] I gave my teacher my phone and told her it was my fault and he has had his phone taken away before so he doesnt get it back until the end of the year and it was my first time so I get it back today when my mom comes to get it…and yesterday he forgave me but then he brought it up today and hes mad again and I don’t know how to show him that I care and that I am truly sorry!!! Please help??? Do you know what to do.?

Have you ever been in a situation where he doesnt believe you? [[it suxx]]

Answer #1

He knows deep down its his own fault for having it on him in the 1st place and telling you to text him. He will get over it soon enough, maybe stay out of his way until he is over it! Bit pathetic of him really, he is just blaming you because he cant blame himself. You dont need to show him that you are sorry because you already have by handing your phone in! & you have done nothing wrong!

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