He's Not REAL!

My mom keeps on telling me to let God into my body and help me but when I did,nothing ever happened,all my happiness came from my friends that DO care about me,help me. It’s either I move out or I convince I don’t believe in God!

Answer #1

yes that is the hardest thing to do, to face down our parents and loved ones and tell them that we have a different belief. this situation is how the disease of “organized religion” is spread, it is the GUILT TRIP- it makes you feel guilty about not believing, guilty for going against what the brainwashing establishment has spent so much time attempting to do to your mind,guilty to have to stand against your parents, that is how it is done- it uses people you love to try and fence you into the “religious” (bovine, herd mentality) state of mind. that is why they attempt to get you when you are young, or at your lowest point in life- to get ahold of you while you are vulnerable. it takes great courage and resolve to stand against the “larger religious agenda” and face possibly being publicly chastised within the community, ultimately you are challenging the beliefs of the entire congregation- the whole “hive mind”,and they will usually bring multiple people in to eventually try to reindoctrinate you into the “flock” because alone they do not have the strength to face you down.

what you are going through is the true test of your beliefs, stay the course and earn the respect of your loved ones- they will eventually see you are standing up for what you have come to believe, be respectful- but simply state that your moms beliefs are not what you believe. stand your ground, for yourself and for your beliefs.

Answer #2

Well, you have to give yourself to Him. You have to admit that you are a sinner and repent. God works in mysterious ways. But if you don’t want to hear that, try telling her that you are happy with the direction you are going and you want her to respect that.

Answer #3

Well first of all when we invite Jesus into our lives we will experience a great miracle or some sort of power or for that matter any change at all. But when you did so what has happened is that you Spirit was renewed by Jesus and He dwells there. This you will not know immediately but gradually you will find a change in yourself. It is sad that people expect something else and when they do not experience what they expect they get disappointed. It is sad that they don’t give it the time necessary.

Secondly when you accept Jesus your spirit has now become quickened (we could say lively). You then need to provide food for the Spirit which is the Word of God. Reading the Bible. Does not matter if you do not understand some portions of it keep reading. Soon you will find that there is a drastic change in you and that you have become a completely new person. That will be the most amazing and exciting feeling ever that you would ever experience. But to get to that you have to wait.

Some people here are encouraging you not to wait. If you listen to them you will loose what is in store for you. Some also have suggest that you read certain books. Those are the most ungodly books and you should not be reading it. Those books says about how the Bible is evil and the God of the Bible is real. But how would you be able to know if what they are saying is true if you don’t read the Bible first and understand it. Thus if you really want to read those books then read the Bible first and understand it and then go ahead.

I would strongly suggest that you never read those books.

A word about your mother. There is no point in discussing or arguing with your mother. If your loving mom is not able to answer all your questions please avoid troubling her and speak to may be your pastor or a Christian friend or some good Christians on this site.

Answer #4

Just explain to her that it’s YOUR life so it’s YOUR choice. She shouldn’t be trying to push her religion onto you, that’s not right. It’s probably just difficult for her to accept the fact that you don’t really believe in God. Stay living with her, but don’t change yourself for anything. Eventually she’ll get use to things and accept you as you are.

Answer #5

Really, no good can come from arguing with your mother about religion. If she starts talking about god/religion, just tell her “Mom, this isn’t going anywhere. I don’t want to talk about religion anymore.”

Answer #6

Jesus Christ (A.K.A God) is real.

Oh dear. Here we go again…

If you read the bible that is proof he is real.

Wow- does that mentality also work with the tabloids?

Answer #7

Wow, don’t like the title at all but anyways. Jesus Christ (A.K.A God) is real. If you read the bible that is proof he is real. Anyways, for God to come into your heart, you have to let him. Ask him for forgiveness. Once, when I was at church, a lady needed help. So we all went up to touch her back to pray for her. But only the people who could would touch her back, then we would touch theirs, and so on and so forth. But everyone just bowed there head to pray. And then I realized I was crying. Thats when I wanted Jesus to come into my heart, and he did. Right then I asked him for forgiveness for all my sins and admitted them to him. Jesus loves you, like seriously. He died for you and me and everyone else. Even if you don’t believe in him, he still loves you. I hope I was a help(:

Answer #8

well its your choice on wether you believe in him. I recently started going to church and last Sunday is the day I opened myself to Jesus and was “reborn” what you have to do to get him to come to you is that you have to talk to him like you would a friend. ask him to forgive you and to ask him to come to u. pray to him and you may not realize right away that hes with you and it may not feel like hes with you but he is. he cant stop all bad things from happening. even if you chose to no believe in him he is still there and he still loves you just like he does everyone else. :)


Answer #9

“It’s either I move out or I convince I don’t believe in God”

uhm no, it really isnt. There are a lot more options… Black and white thinking tends to lead to very emotional reactions, because there are no gray areas and so it feels like you are left with no choices. The third alternative is to let whatever she says go in through one ear and go out the other. What possible difference could it make that she believes your salvation is through God? Just nod, smile, and move on… You really dont have to convince her you’re right… It is ok to say “may be you’re right”. It’s not agreeing with her, it isnt disagreeing with her. It is simply moving past the issue. There’s this old indian saying, when something ends in a yes, then you shouldnt say no.

Answer #10

Jesus Christ (A.K.A God) is real.

If you read the bible that is proof he is real.

I think her name sums it up…

Actually toadaly gave the best answer. I am a mom and there are arguments that you just won’t win.

“Mom, this isn’t going anywhere. I don’t want to talk about religion anymore.” That is a great way of answering her. Say it with the respect she is due as your mom, but say it.

Answer #11

There are times in life when you have to just accept things for what they are. Your mother obviously has a lot of faith in God, and even though you don’t, is it really hurting you to just let her talk? I doubt it would hurt you as much as you are hurting her by disregarding her beliefs.

The best course of action for you right now is to just let your mother have her faith and keep your own beliefs (or lack of) to yourself - at least for now.

She needs your patience, and I know she hasn’t been easy on you, but fighting her every step of the way is making things difficult for you both.

Answer #12

Just sit down and talk to her. Explain that although she has a strong belief in God, you may not. Make it clear that you respect her decision to believe in God. Definately don’t put down her beliefs unless you want her to continue doing the same to you. Calmly tell her that you have chosen a different path for your life and that you would appreciate it if she could respect your decision. Sam

Answer #13

matthew 17:20 says if you have faith tthe size of a mustard seed you can move mountains.

So please Helpneeded124, I personally invite you to South Africa, we’ve got enough mountains around here, visit me and show me how you move a mountain? If it is impossible for you or thousands others, surely you or them do not have faith OR there simply isn’t someone out there!

Answer #14

matthew 17:20 says if you have faith tthe size of a mustard seed you can move mountains. so I would say instead of just saying yea god come into my life, which really does nothing, …this is hard to put into words but…like you really need to like want him in your life and like well ok. find a bible look up romans chapter 14 and read the whole chapter and then find someone who believes he is real and taalk to them about him. see he really is real because I feel him with me everywhere and he helps me with everything…like I saw your question about moving out because of your mom and I felt that same way but God helped me through that and now I love my mom

Answer #15

Maggot, I suggest you gather info on the internet and books to back-up your disbelieves in any gods. An answer of “because” is not going help you. Look at a few of my last Advice posts, read the entire list of answers on those, some of the other members supplied names of books and great advice on how to obtain info.
This would help you to tackle your situation from one side and not just drop the bomb on your Mom. If you want to, pm me so I can send you some links on these issues! (that is, ONLY if you need some info) Take care :-)

Answer #16

religions crap dont get sucked into it.watch religilous best movie ever.show it to whoever gives you crap

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