Hated for praying??

I wanted to know if theres anyone who feels like its not okay to be christan sometimes like people hate you for it a little. I have a hard time in school every once in a while becuase people make fun of me for praying and I wanted to know how people deal with that if there neone else who feels like me. Thanks!!

Answer #1

Well, my, my, my… As a Jew, who has been told I was going to hell for the mere fact that I am Jewish, who was banned from joining gentile sororities, who was told by the mother of a young gentile boy that he wasn’t allowed to date Jews, who, as a child, saw a sign ‘no dogs, no jews’ in front of a hotel in Mississippi, who as the daughter of jews who were banned from staying in certain gentile owned hotels, joining certain gentile owned country clubs, eating in certain gentile owned restaurants, or had their jewish family killed in the camps in Germany, I had no idea how much you gentiles were suffering. It has never been presented in this way, so that I understand the persecution you have endured. I can only apologize for all of the pain you have been exposed to, to the sadness your must face daily at school. Thank goodness I only had to endure being told at age 6 that the jews killed Christ or going to school and having pennies thrown in front of me so that I would chase them, because ALL jews love money, or hearing the endless jokes about ‘why jews have big noses…because air is free”. My pain seems so small in comparison to what you must go through. I think of how depressing it must have been for your parents to witness and live through the time when my parents were so ridiculed that Hollywood produced ‘gentlemen’s agreement’, a movie about the poor treatment of American Jews in the 1950s. How hard that must have been for your parents to WATCH how the jews were treated. I apologize for their discomfort. And your poor, suffering grandparents, I apologize to them the most. For the discomfort they must have endured watching the newsreels about the German camps and what was done to my grandparents. I am sorry they had to endure watching a movie about the camps and that my grandparents were even a small part of your grandparents discomfort.

For all of this I must apologize and ask your forgiveness. I just never understood how bad many of you Christians have it. I never knew how you were suffering just because you are Christian. I never knew that you had lost this country. I can relate, after WWII, the jews pretty must lost Europe because we were almost completely wiped out. I do not want to see this happening in this country!!! I will NOT stand for it!!

I beg everyone, Jews, Muslims, agnostics, atheists, people of every religion… PLEASE let us join together and stop this from happening. The Christians must NOT be persecuted. They must NOT lose this country!! We MUST protect and honor them. They have it so hard.

Answer #2

I would be yourself and do not act the way they do, don’t stoop to there level. Be yourself and don’t change who you are just because someone else does not understand it. It is your life, live it how you want to.

Answer #3

Christians have been the least oppressed group of people this nation has ever seen. Maybe they are laughing because they think praying is futile or they believe God doesn’t exist.

Answer #4

ok I do that at school during lunch. I pray and then people would be staring at me… I just ignore it cause im not ashamed of what I belive in. im christian too so I ko how it is.

Answer #5

Sure, we all go through that - just remember Jesus said, ‘They hated me and they will hate you for my namesake’ but love them anyway and if they’re open, share the good news always - for He is worthy !! - remember this truth: ‘The wicked oppressing, now cease from distressing, sing Praises to His name…He forgets and O T His Own !!’ - keep on laying up treasures !!

The site keeps changing the words He forgets (and O T) … NOT His Own !!

Answer #6

“When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, who love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on street corners so that others may see them.” Note, this is a command, not a suggestion.

Don’t any of you guys pay any attention to what Jesus told you in regard to public displays of prayer? If you kept your prayers private, like Jesus commanded you to do, no one would be making fun of you for it.

Answer #7

Oh yes! The christians are horribly mistreated..psh grow a backbone I get crap everyday from people..usually from christians actually hmm that’s kind of ironic.

Answer #8

that’s too bad im sorry you get crap :( I wouldn’t give you crap but maybe if you were mean I guess but id really try not to becuase wwjd?

Answer #9

Christians are the largest religious group in the US, so that means that you are in the majority.

To the people who laugh - just laugh right back at them. If you are strong in your faith they should not bother you.

Just imagine how an athiest feels, they are outnumbered, constantly told they are going to hell, constantly being told they will pray for us, being looked down upon, being judged, being misunderstood, etc.

Answer #10

do you’re part and try to bring them closer to the Lord. If they reject you, mock, you, tease you just pray for them. Hopefully they will not be the ones that the judgement comes upon in the end. 2 Chronicles36: 16-17

Remember, even Jesus was mocked, so we should learn from him Luke 18:32

And you are not alone www.persecution.com

Answer #11

I can pray w/o being noticed. Don’t close your eyes and. Bow your head and no1 will know. you don’t HAVE to bow your head and stuff. That’s what I do

Answer #12

Hated for praying??

…hated? -__-

Don’t use that word… you don’t seem to know what it means…

HATING someone… and ‘making fun of someone in grade school’ …are by NO MEANS similar…

Answer #13

keep praying, dont worry about it. but don’t be stupid about it educate yourself, you should know what you believe in. that is why most people hate christians because they know less about christianity than athiests do. also don’t say one thing then do another, everyone knows how christians are suppose to act. And please act like Jesus, help people out when you can, it doesnt matter who, talk to everyone, and do not for one second think highly of yourself, jesus served people. that is what christians like you and I are suppose to do. if you need anything send me a message. :)

Answer #14

Everyone was raised differently. I dont care what religion you are BUT it those bother me when you try to shove your religion/beliefs down someones throat. There’s nothing wrong with praying if thats your beliefs good for you. Note: It might annoy people when all you do is talk about god so watch out for that :D -Good luck hun (:

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