Guys with pierced ears

I am a guy that had both ears pierced back in may but the right one seems as if it wants to close up if I leave it out over night ,how do I prevent this from happening? It gets like hard balls in it

Answer #1

Were your piercings from the ‘gun’ piercing, or needle piercing. For needle piercings I keep mine in 24/7, and clean them at the same time while in the shower. For ‘gun’ piercings, the holes are smaller and easier to close, so if you have to take your jewelry out, I’d say use one of those light plastic ones to put in its place at night, just to keep the hole from closing.

As for the “hard balls”… they sound like either pimples or little puss balls. Clean your piercings with warm salt water for a week, then wash it regularly with antibacterial soap after that. Always keep your piercings clean.

Answer #2

hopefully you didnt get it done with the gun, tyhat thing shoud be banned the people are inexpirienced and unqualified and the gun is full of germs from other peoples blood, because they dont sterilize it but to answer your question they both should be fully healed by now you should have cleaned them reguarly when you had them done also the bumps sound normal its your bodys way of healing the area threy should go away within a few weeks- months also it may be because you have the studs in the ones with the backing that you push onto the earring to close it if so, try to buy 2 labrets teyll be ones with a flat backing a and a ball or spike that screws on the top made from surgical steel keep those in for a while as there a lot safer than the other ones and the hole will be more likley to heal properly if all else fails go back to the peircer, unless it was dont at a salon or mall if so, go back to a real peircer, and ask them for advice

Answer #3

let yer holes close up dude…guys with ear piercings is sooo 90’s…unless you have gauges

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