Gsd help thnx

Hi thnx for your I am working so I cant give him time for house traning on wkdays.I try to teach him on wkends.what food I should give him and in how much quantity,as im vegtrn so I can only give him vgtrn food so please advise sm vgtrn food.also in day time we don’t allow him to eat his poo and remove poo immidiately.but what to do in night.but he usualy do it in night and eats it.n pls tell me how to give him house training.

Answer #1

I can only tell you that if you’re housetraining ONLY on weekends, this might take years…if ever. It’s not consistant, and dogs thrive on consistancy. It’s not fair to him either…especially if you’re beating him when you’re housetraining, and then ignore him for a week. Frankly, I think need a cat…dogs need FAIRNESS…CONSISTANCY…and a dependable leader. A GSD needs these things even worse, since they are dominant breed.

People are omnivores…they can eat anything…dogs are carnavores…they need meat…especially a growing puppy…I wouldn’t suggest a vegie diet at all. You be what you are, and give the dog what he needs to be who he is. Giving him what his little body needs might end his eating his own poop…

Would you try to feed a horse or a cow hambergers??


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