Answer #1

This thing that blows up. that’s all I know. Lol

Answer #2

A hand held explosive device that is thrown at the enemy and creates a fairly localized blast intended to kill and incapacitate enemy personnel primarily by the shrapnel that it creates when it explodes.

Answer #3

Well, it could mean many things. Traditionally, a grenade is a small explosive device that is usually chucked a distance away from someone, with intentions to kill. In popular culture, it’s a woman, an ugly woman, who finds herself in the crowds of hotter women.

Answer #4

Hand Grenades: .

Answer #5

good answer ,

Answer #6

Ive heard of that Grenade and the a grenade when someone sleeps around with people I heard it from Jersey Shore

Answer #7

its a chubby ugly girl. Guys tend not to get with these girls cuz they could blow up and kill the guy. therre is a grenade whistle that can be used on the battlefield to warn other guys of grenades. There are also landmines, which are ugly thin girls. These are the most dangerous because the guy cant always tell where the landmines are, they blend in with the surroundings.. guys need to be extra careful on the battle field to avoid landmines

Answer #8

what?!1 u obviously havnt seen jersey shore ;)

Answer #9

I’m talking about the way they use it on Jersey Shore. I watch every episode and I still haven’t figured it out..

Answer #10

its actually a frag grenade or shrapnel grenade :O Most grenades explode, projecting shrapnel, i.e., pieces of the casing, serrated wire, or an incendiary material. then we have : Concussion Smoke Incendiary Stun Sting Anti-tank grenades (booooommmmmm!!!!!!!111oneoneone)

Answer #11

oh lol XD sry

i usually call the chubby ugly ones “oh my god wtf is that :O )

Answer #12

Isn’t it like a wh*re?

Answer #13

a type of bomb thingy or as in jersey shore they would say a grenade would be a fat girl or guy

Answer #14

Part of the title to one of the best songs ever….. “light grenades” by incubus :) or one of the other best things ever….. a useful weapon of war but being only 13 and with no satalite tv i dont know what your talkin’ about the shores and girls and stuff.

Answer #15

teri maa ka bhosada

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