What are some good ideas to help get high school juniors interested in a book for English?

My best friend is teaching summer school and its her first official job as a teacher. It is a little harder than she anticipated. They are reading the story about the five people who go to heaven, (don’t remember the title exactly). They want to skip the book and go straight to the movie but she can’t do that.

Answer #1

Do a small skit or play from the book, have a day where they all dress like a chharacter from the book, have them read five chapters per night and the next day do a jeapordy type game and let them win prizes.

Answer #2

Thanks, I’ll tell her when she gets out of school… I hope she likes them, I’ll be sure to give you credit for thinking of that as well. ;)

Answer #3

When I had English last year, we got to do a project about the book. The project could be a paper, a skit, a song (if you could play music), draw a scene, draw your own cover for the book, etc. Really it was anything related to the book! Then we present it to the class. Because I really love to draw, I loved the opportunity to do what I like through art WHILE I got my homework done :)

Answer #4

try to make them read an interesting book that relates to them. Make the emo people read dark stories and those plastics read gossip girl and so on.

Answer #5

maybe you could have them do a play or skit. let them bring materials from their home like : powder,make up, old clothes, wigs..etc and have them make up each other to look like di different characters and act out parts of the book. or u can have them read pages out of the book and create their own monologues based on the story and perform it or even songs and poems.

Answer #6

Thanks everyone, my friend was excited and can’t wait to try out some of the ideas. Looks like I may be asking a few things for her later on here… like when she starts teaching again during the school year!

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