Good highlights

Im going for an emo look what funky colors would look good on light brown hair??

Answer #1

try a really bright pink or realy bright blue or maybe even a really bright yelllow but put some black in it as welll maybe even if you use all the colors to gether lolo…I have light brown hair too I just get my cousin samantha she is in college and she dies my hair all kinds of colors…one time her hair was like a rainbow seriously it was pink purple blue orange brown black yellow green and white all together but not in layer just like all over the place lol…hope it all helps:)

Answer #2

im going for the same look and my hairs about the same color. try dyin your whole head dark brown wit hot pink or bright blonde streak thru the bangs

Answer #3

pink looks REALLY good…I did a streak in the back and it looked awesome

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