How to be bulimic?

ok I am thinking about going bulimic but how do you make urself puke at home and at school?? im 13 5 foot 5 inches and 125 pounds!!

Answer #1

You sound like you are the perfect weight for you age and height, congratulations on that! Now, eating disorders are nothing to play around with and you shouldn’t even be considering this… you should maybe try going to a school counselor and talking to her about why you are having such harmful feelings and stop this thing before it starts! Good luck! :)

Answer #2

OMG please do not do this to yourself. I was bulimic when I was your age and yes I did loose weight but trust me it was not worth it. Now I am 33 years old and I have servere acid reflux so bad that I can’t eat or sleep and my vision is bad due to starving my body of the nutrition it needed. You have no idea of the damages bulimia can cause to your body over a period of time. Please do some research on the effects of bulimia and please change your mind. Acid reflux can very easily turn into esophageal cancer and their is no cure for that. Trust me I know what Im talking about find a healthy way to loose weight if that is what you choose to do.

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