God resting

what was the meaning of God resting on the seventh day in the creation

Answer #1

To me, this was a word picture that God was painting. Just as Jesus used parables to speak to the people. When we get a word picture in our mind, it is easier for us to understand and follow it.

From the standpoint of one who once was a workaholic, and did not pay any attention to the things of God, at the time, ( I never doubted that God was real, I just lived my life for me, and did not obey his commandments, until he actually came into my heart 24 years ago, this month ).

I wore myself smack out, working continually, because work was one of the gods that I worshiped at that time. Afterward, I could see the importance of this God given day of rest.

If you doubt it, stick your nose to the grindstone, continually for years, and see what happens to you.

Answer #2

Your right, God is all powerful. Does someone who is all powerful and Almighty need a rest? The question I pose to you really needs no address, the answer is clearly ‘No’. Why then the Sabbath? The Bible says, Or should I say Jesus says, The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath. To explain this, one needs to start at the origins of the sabbath as mankind knows it. Where else but the book of beginnings, Genesis. The very name of the book rings a sense of Originality. The origins of the Earth, The origins of mankind, the origin of sin. (Read it for yoursaelf) Can you imagine, a world without shape, Formed then structured, then filled with life and then as the crowning act of the Creators plan man was made in His own image, all in six days. Imagine That, some Friday afternoon sooo long ago. God made the first man. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. That evening would have begun their first day together. The Sabbath. God walking with man, giving him dominion over ALL the earth, What a wonderful day. Not a day of burden or boredom, but a day of freedom and enlightenment. A day long forgotten. a day forseen to be forgotten. God says, “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy…” the only commandment to begin with “remember” To remember, 1. to recall from ones memory, to have an image in ones memory. 2. to convey greetings.(got these meanings from wiki). What a wonderful word, a word that conveys a request, not a command. a word that beckons our response not our refuse. An invitation to know God. Ask Him for yourself. Behold I stand at the door and knock, If any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him,and will sup with him, and he with me. signing off

Answer #3

“Why cant god have one resting day”

because it’s God, all powerful? all powerful beings arent supposed to get tired… That’s a human thing…

Answer #4

Tvman, VERY good answer.

Answer #5

Isn’t he still resting?

Answer #6

He created the heavens and the Earth in 6 days, and on the 7th day he rested.

Answer #7

You should try to labor for six days .

Why cant god have one resting day

.It is a resting day for everybody to .


Answer #8

God was tired… creating the world and everything. Apparently even God needs a break every so often…

Answer #9

What do you mean word picture??? The fact that God says, “The evening and the morning were the *th day states that every day was a literal day. Let me ask you this! As far as the principle of time goes (as we know what ‘time’ is) Where do we the period called a day? Its the time taken for the earth to rotate on its axis once, Correct? What about the month? The time taken for the moon to circumference the earth, Right? What about the year? You guessed it. Now where do we get the week?

I left those empty lines there for a reason. Think about it for a moment. There is no natural reason why we have this time period. Yet everything natural is measured in this denotion. At the risk of sounding … well… The devil has tried ever so hard to change it. Look up wiki. There have been five day weeks, six day weeks, ten day weeks. Pick a number and there has been a week trial to suit it Im sure. lol. Yet here we are with the seven day week. And you know why, cause it works. Its how we are built. You may not want to here it but oh how the truth does hurt. It hurts to say, “Yes I am responsible for my own actions. I had every oportunity to learn the truth. I will admit this because I can not hide anything from you.” I run a business, well as best I can anyway. I hide a lot of things from a lot of people. And to think I can not hide anything from Him. Scares me.. Then I think, He has not hidden anything from me… and I feel safe. Well as safe as a sinner can feel. Knowing that Christ has paid the ultimate price for me, even if I were the only one. Good night and God bless.

It hurts.

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