Girlfriend is worried that...

Hey, my girlfriend is worried because her period is delayed by a day or two. She’s scared that she’s pregnant. Now, I don’t really see how it’s possible. We’ve never had sex, but we spent some intimate time together in that I fingered her after she gave me oral. She’s scared I might’ve touched myself somehow and gotten some semen on my hands before I fingered her.

I personally find it highly unlikely. Sperm does not live in open air for a very long time without moisture, and my hand had enough time to dry before I touched her. And even if there was, the chances are still unlikely. Even with ejaculation into a girl normally, there’s only like an 15% success rate, meaning sperm on a finger would have to travel much much further. The environment inside a woman’s vulva/vagina is also not the right pH for sperm, which is why most of them die off. For these reasons, I think it is pretty much impossible that she’s pregnant, but I’m curious if anyone else has any opinions?

Answer #1

I wasnt really worried about it until she voiced her concerns. It sounds incredibly unlikely to me…but I have no idea

Answer #2

well by delayed, I mean she hasnt had it yet. she said she’s supposed to have it around this time.

Answer #3

Tell her to breath and calm down theres no way shes prego otherwise she wouldn’t of started her period at all. I hope that helps just tell her to relax. I know hows shes feeling I use to freak out like that to lol

Answer #4

just by her a pregnacy test

Answer #5

First she might not be getting her period because she stressing her self out about it there is a chace she is prego but if she is stressing about it wont help and you seem pretty worried to you did anouph research on it but there is a chance she is prego so tell her to chill out and let things happen if she goes 2 more weeks with out her period buy her a prego test.

Answer #6

girls can make themselves believe they are pregnant and their bodies will react to that as in ‘breasts lactating,no period,etc’

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