Girlfriend advice

Ok. I’’m in highschool, everyone is swinging. Heaps of people have girlfriends ect. But me. A lot of the girls are quite popular. I’m not. While people socialize and go hang out at lunch I play basketball with some of my mates. I’ve got 3 good mates, their not popular either. At that same school my cousin who used to go there was the popularest guy there. I tried being like him, didn’t work. I recently tried being myself dosen’t work because I’m quite shy while being myself. I used to take acting classes I was really good. Got me some confidence. Now I’m average looking. Some hot girls do talk to me. Just never really had a girlfriend. Don’t know how to change or get one really. You see I’m afraid of what others will think of me, my looks ect. I don’t want to end up hanging around the ‘cool’ people cause they don’t care much about others and are a bunch of try hards. I’m not really desperate of getting a girlfriend or anything, I just like a few girls but don’t have the guts to make a move. Can someone please just tell me some advice. Thanks

Answer #1

It is always helpful to start out as a friend. If you like one special girl just casually start talking to her about things shes interested in. Let her do most of the talking and just listen. When you find things you have in common with her build on that. Invite her or call her a few times and once she sees you as a good friend,then casually ask her out . Be there for her and let her know you like her when the time is right . If you are too shy for the words,let her know by eye contact.

Answer #2

dont change for anybody. just act like yourself and dont worry about what other people think. you can just talk to the girl you like. start a conversation and if she seems to like you ask her if she wants to hang out on the weekend. im sure she will think you look good cause you do :)

Answer #3

I agree with all of the above be urself. don’t change urself for a girl. if you find a girl and she only likes the person you pretend to be well that’s her loss. im kinda like you im shy and when people are socializing im with my 4 friends usually playing my favorite sport basketball. sometimes you have to kind of go out on a limb though. it is scary but if you like a girl try to make the first move. I no its scary it was scary for me too but if you don’t make the move how do you ever expect the girl to know you like her. good luck! hope I helped a little:] funmail me if you need more advice.

Answer #4

the advice I can give you is be yourself, if your shy just once in a while do something outgoing compliment a girl your intrested in, show off a little, Do not keep complimenting a girl dont act desperate girls like a little challenge but make sure she knows your intrested get to know many girls other than go after one trust me you will find someone! if you have any more like specific questions you can talk to me but im sure you will have no problem you seem like a sweet heart :]

Answer #5

don’t try really hard to impress the girl…just be you..

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