Advice for fingering girlfriend?

I’ve fingered my girlfriend before and there are times when she liked it, but then there are other times where she’s like “Yeah it doesn’t feel that good.” About a week ago I fingered her and she said it felt good, and a few days later I tried again, thinking I was doing the same exact thing that I did a few days back, but obviously not because she said it didn’t feel good at all. Is there any advice on how I should finger her?

Answer #1

tease her, make her want it real bad. try curling your fingers back and fourth, but start slow then get faster. that’s what I do wit my girlfriend. if you go in and out too much for to long it might start to hurt her, I hope that helps. :]

Answer #2

I tried the deep thing, didn’t make a difference, I tried going faster and slower, didn’t make a difference, I tried putting pressure on her G-Spot (and I’m pretty sure I was hitting it) and she just said ‘it doesn’t really feel good at all.’ After I was done doing absolutely nothing, I asked “well what feels good?” Then her response was “Honestly, I don’t know. I don’t finger myself so I really have no clue what feels good.”

I think I’ll forget the fingering idea for a little while until I figure out how to pleasure her with her clit. What’re some good ways to ‘play’ with her clit?

Answer #3

rub it, stroke it. If you and her are cool with going further, lick it.

Answer #4

Well I tried to hit the G-Spot, and I was almost positive that I was, but I guess not or I wasn’t going hard enough or something. And no, I tried asking her what she liked but she said she didn’t know what feels good and what doesn’t! So that doesn’t help at all =/ She doesn’t masturbate or anything, and she has told me how to play with her clit to make it feel better but only like twice.

Answer #5

If your gonna finger her and actually get her going alittle, finger her deep… slowly at first, especially if shes a virgin, ask her how it feels… be open with one another. If its feeling alright, try twitching your finger alittle, make sure its deep tho. Maybe it feels differently for her from one day to the next because she is alittle sore? I dont know though, just be gentle, dont get to carried away, and talk to her.

Answer #6

It wasn’t sore the day after I fingered her a week ago. & alright; I’ll try to go deeper. I go all that my middle finger can go besides maybe 1/4 of an inch.

Answer #7

I never got fingering. never felt good for me.. cause most guys really dont know what they are doing. its not about penetrating. focus on the clit. wish I could be more help.. but its her you need to tlk to. she knows whats best for her. and what feels good

Answer #8

Just talk to her and ask her how she feels…

Answer #9

ask her to show you how she wants to be touched.

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