Getting skinny

I am a size 8 ong hips and size 8 in tops

Do you think it would be safe if I lose some weight to like a size 6?

Please help me

Answer #1

Wooo … !!! Do not loose anymore than you are now !! You are a perfect size .::P I would die to be size 8 im size 10 or 12 and I cant seem to loose wayte so d,w about yourself im the one whoo needs to worry (N)

Answer #2

If you are talking about a UK size 8 ( we don’t know because your home town isn’t specified!! does help hun) then definalty do not lose any more weight. 8 is fine but any lower would be a risk to your health and skinny is so not nice or cool. Yes, so many celebs are sucked in to the craze but that’s because they’re small minded. You keep strong and don’t follow the herd. Be proud of you beautiful body as it is and fine.

Answer #3

are you speaking about the UK size 6/8, if so PLEASE do not lose any weight…you’ll look disgustingly thin and it probably won’t be safe either… 8 is a perfect size, be happy with it.

Answer #4

I dont know really if you want to

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