Can I swim soon after getting a belly button ring?

I am considering getting my belly button pierced in a few days. I just wondering if I should wait until winter since I won’t be able to swim for at least a month. Or does it have to be a month. Could it be a couple weeks as long as I clean it when I get out? Also, what kind of pain comes with it. Is it sore to touch or to sit down?

Answer #1

I am thinking of getting my belly done but we have swimming in school in like a month or two, and we have to wear full swimming suits willl this affect my belly ring??

Answer #2

no the water wont hurt it just be careful and go slow in the water. if you want it to heal faster and have a less of a chance of it getting infected, swim in salt water. hope I helped

Answer #3

I was in the gym doing erything like two days after gettn mine done… but I didnt lay on mii stomach and do activites

Answer #4


From what I know, swimming should be avoided for about 3 months. That leaves time for it to get through part of the healing process. You have the right idea though, after swimming in very Chlorine starched waters, or lakes, you should clean it out with soap that has antibacterial stuff in it, or hydrogen peroxide. Do wash your hands before you touch it at all. I play volleyball, and I avoided piercing until the winter because we play in the fall and its painful to do sit ups and crunches with one. So if you are in sports, or gym, or do a lot of physical activity, either be very careful and decrease your exercise time, or wait until your less active to stop risks. I hope I helped! Take care.

Answer #5

When you get your belly button peirced, it does take ALOT of effor to clean it and prevent it from getting infected. Swimming in a lake or an ocean or a pool with clorine doesnt affect it. just make sure you go home and clean it with hydrogen peroxide or tea tree oil. dont touch it with dirty hands because whne infected it does hurt. dont play with it alot either.. when u clean it make as little movement as possible it might get crusty puss on the top n bottom so take a warm shower, and clean the hard stuff off when u get out clean it with a cotton swab or q-tip move it once up and once down!:) hope i helped darling

Answer #6

I’m not so sure on the swimming part. Common sense would tell you not to go swimming in public pools because many diseases can be transferred from body to body especially if you have an open wound. And just think about how many little kids pee in that pool…not fun. As for swimming in lakes and ponds, there is still a risk of getting infections, god only knows whats in that water. Your best bet is to wait until winter, thats what I did with mine just as a precaution, I’m sure waiting an extra few months ain’t gonna hurt you. As for the gym and stuff, well I guess that all really depends on your body. I was back in the gym doing everything I normally do a week after getting mine done, and it didn’t even hurt a bit. Hope this helps.

Answer #7


This has been asked a couple of times:

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Answer #8

you can swim right away in any type of water like the beach or pool. I got mine in april and I was invited to a pool party that was two days later so I asked my piercer an he said as long as the water isnt filed with diseases, like a pond, then its fine. just wash it after but no more that 2 times, 3 at the most, a day or it will just get irritated and start migrating. so GO FOR IT and have fun! hope this helps (:

Answer #9

well I actualy have the top and bottom of my belly pierced. you kinda forget you have em. they make no trouble whatsoever. you can swim, do sit ups. anything :]

Answer #10

I am going to Mexico in for spring break and I am waiting till my basketball season is over to get my belly button repierced. Would it be a good idea to get it a month before spring break or wait till after.

Answer #11

I waited until after my hockey season to re-pierce my navel. I get checked by guys quite often and it tends to hurt and it got infected from all the sweat and my dirty gear. Do it when you’re not doing anything too physical.

Answer #12

can u do sit ups if u got ya belly donee

plzz reply ASAP MWAHSS


Answer #13

Hey. Um your meant to wait afew weeks, but I swam in the beach the day after getting mine done and nothing happend, so just be careful and clean it afterwards. Um it does hurt a little for the first week, but I spose it depends. Just be careful about knocking into it or whatevs. um yeah you can do sit ups. its true you do kind of forget about after the first two-three weeks everything will feel normal.

Answer #14

my piercer said two months but dumb me decided to go in and now my navel doesnt look so cute. trust me and listen to them.

Answer #15

I got my belly button peirced and the next day i went swimming just make sure you clean it before and after so it wont get infected. My didnt. Hope i helped?

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