Can I get a belly button ring at 13?

I am 13 and I really want to get mi belly button pierced, but mi mum and dad wont let me!! so this weekend im going to get it done, how much will it cost and will it hurt??? by the way I look a lot older than mi age!!! xxx

Answer #1

not to sure…you may think it would be right now but later on you will regret it

Answer #2

it probably be better at around 16 because it can get infeccted and mess up your skin.

Answer #3

i dont think you should.

Answer #4

i was 14 when i had mine done and bc my body was not fully developed my body rejected the peircing. now i have an embarassing scar and i may never be able to get my belly button peirced again. so i advise you to wait.

Answer #5

i was 14 when i had mine done and bc my body was not fully developed my body rejected the peircing. now i have an embarassing scar and i may never be able to get my belly button peirced again. so i advise you to wait.

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