Genus looking for something new to do

I have iq of 200 I know 5 diffferent languages know all mash science history but now im bored with it an im looking for something else to do any ideas this is the 1 thing I have not been able to solve by myself I need someone to suggest something to do if I cant think of anything to do im movin to japan

Answer #1


Answer #2

Lol, I dont think people would have believed you anyways (if you had a genius IQ you’d probably be in a lab working somewhere and not on funadvice)

And uhm genius, it’s advice with a c,

you give advice you advise people

Answer #3

I didnt think I needed to spell right all the time on the internet for people to believe me an I think I also posted this at 3am after staying up for 6 days working on something anway an im on this site mostly to try to give advise to people wgo arnt as smart

Answer #4

if you are a genious.. why are you on an advice site? just cause you have a high IQ it doesnt mean your a flipping genious. get a grip!

Answer #5

“I know five different languages, and I can’t punctuate any of them properly.”

Knowing five different languages is probably a lot better than knowing five of the same language.

Answer #6

lol, you could of course learn to use periods in your story :P j/k

I take it you learned Japanese already? If not, I’d do that if I were you. Maybe even learning to write it too. Could come in handy if you’re moving there ;)

Answer #7

it’s kind of hard to believe you’re a genius with all your spelling and grammar mistakes. actually, you didn’t even spell the word “genius” right… but whatever buddy.

Answer #8

I’ll get right to the point.

This may sound dumb, but think about it.

If you are a person that is very smart, chances are you study things a lot out of habbit etc. If you are a ‘live it up now’ person, you do ust that, live it up, have thrills etc.

Try swapping these. Instead of studying a programming language, go dirtbike racing or something physical and fun. And yes, the cool thing (for your type of person) is that there is a LOT to learn about dirtbike racing, theories, mechanics etc, so you have both sides to use; the brainy smart side and the fun practical thrill side.

Answer #9

Something new? You could learn how to spell? I think they teach that in the third grade…

Answer #10

kinda agreeing with tinatodder4 here…

But Sudoku?!

Something like that.

Answer #11

what about a rubix cube?

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