How do you have/gain confidence if there are so many gorgeous girls around you?

Answer #1

Find those things that are unique about you, meaby that one girl is perty, but you are smart, meaby the other girl is perty, but you have a good taste in fashion while she does not. These are just examples, all you have to do is to find the good things about you, be proud of them, and soround yourself with people who love you and care about you for who you are.

Answer #2

How are they gorgeous, and why are you not, everyone has someone out there that thinks they are beautiful, try not to focus on what makes them pretty, and more on how beautiful you are. Remember you are your worst critic and the other girls have their flaws as well.

Answer #3

Comparing myself to other guys is the last thing I do. As a matter-a-fact, comparing yourself to anything is something I don’t recommend. Generally, if you’re comparing – it’s for competitions sake and I don’t really want to compete with anyone on a superficial premise. I’m well aware of my flaws and how I am as an individual but that doesn’t mean that I am going to let reality get the best of me? Nope, there are other, far more idealogical things that make up more of myself than, per se, my skin.

All you need to do is find that one thing about yourself that makes you different from the rest. It’s really not that hard at all – there’s something you do or think that no girl has ever done so do yourself a favor and elucidate it!

Answer #4

Think of something that makes you feel beautiful about yourself & then keep adding the list. & i agree with “ how are they gorgeous & why are you not “ Everyones beautiful. What helped me a liddo was having myself think “ I’m here to live for myself - i don’t need to impress others. “ over & over again. I don’t know why but it helped me. Good luck. :]

Answer #5

Instead of comparing yourself to others, start working on yourself, and then start comparing where you were a few months ago with where you are now. You can’t imagine how beneficial this is for your mental health ! And you have a lot more to show for it. Go do something for yourself, like get a haircut, a manicure/pedicure, or a new outfit! It’s amazing how much these things can raise confidence. Hold your head held high and think about all of the things YOU love about yourself. Stand your ground and stay true to yourself and what you believe in. Surround yourself with people that make you feel good about yourself and confident. Eventually you will get to the point when you realize that there is a lot that everyone could still improve in, including yourself, and you will be leaps and bounds ahead of most.

Answer #6

Realise that you are beautiful yourself- everyone has different things that are beautiful about them and even ‘pretty’ girls have flaws. Different people perceive different things as beautiful, so while you may hate the bump on your nose, for example, a guy could think it is your cutest feature as it makes you you and is endearing.

Do things like going to a make up counter in a department store and having a free makeover, to find which colours suit you and will make your eyes pop and you look and feel amazing. Then you can go and buy cheaper make up (if you can’t afford the stuff they use) in a drugstore. Go to the hairdressers and say you want a change, so can they recommend what will suit your face shape. Then go for it and see if you like it. Bring out the best in you and enhance what you have and you will know you are the most perfect version of you you can be.

Just tell yourself you are beautiful and each time you see a flaw, see something else you like too and tell yourself out loud- maybe get a friend to help. Confidence comes from within and makes you more attractive within itself, so just remember you have amazing parts of you and are pretty in your own way and if you believe it and walk with your head held high, others will see it too :)

Answer #7

by having my own personal style that reflects a different kind of beauty that other girls dont have but me :)

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