What are some funny things about Spain?

Answer #1

The word Spain means the “Land of Rabbits”. I guess that could be funny. Also, instead of the tooth fairy, Spain has a tooth mouse named Ratoncito Perez, aha. This website has a bunch of random fun facts about Spain: http://funadvice.com/r/brobc4rk2oe. Some of the “facts” seem kind of ridiculous, though. I don’t know if they’re all exactly true. One of them says, “Spaniards start the night around 2 am and finish at 6-7am, after which they go to eat churros.”

Answer #2

The clothing on the people who ride bulls maybe. haha…Hmm…

Answer #3

They respect their free time – many of the tiendas close for 3hrs after lunch time. Playing the lottery is a national hobby. Spaniards talk a lot and very fast.

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