What was the funniest incident you ever witnessed?

Answer #1

In my school Rally when the boys football team was coming out and one of the boys tripped then another boy fell on TOP of him ,and they couldnt get up and the way they were on top of eachother looked soo wrong But it was really Funny Everybody was laughing. :)

Answer #2

Lol :)

Answer #3

Once when a guy was running and looking at me sideways( he wasn’t looking where he was running) and laughing at me because I had tripped and suddenly, he banged into a pole.. It was soo funny!

Answer #4

Lol…Christopher right??

Answer #5


Answer #6

I was living in Holland at the time, Me and my flat mates Dog was out for a walk along this canal path…I saw this guy walking towards me with a small slow ,fat ,dog following him …so i put my Dog (a big Great Dane) on its lead even though she was so gentle and old….any way this guy ignored his own Dog and called out behind him in Dutch with i did not understand…Worried that another big Dog would come i grabbed the collar of my Dog just in case….then a Cat came running up to the guy from behind him…Stopped dead at his feet and stared at my Dog for about 2 seconds.. and then from 5 meters away it ran over and Confronted my huge Dog face to face and snarred at her ready to attack…I was laughing so much i could barely pull my poor Dog out of harms way…The Guy said something but i could not stop laughing as he walked off with his Cat and Dog following him….that Cats reaction, was the funniest/strangest thing i have ever seen.

Answer #7

Haha!!! Lol!

Answer #8

Lol!!! :D

Answer #9

eh it was Icy here and I was walking home on a path that was covered in ice and there was a guy about 20 coming towards me on the same icy path. He went to take a drink of his cola and as he done so he slipped pouring the coke all over his face and body and his legs and arms were flying everywhere. He managed to grab onto a lampost infront of him but his legs were still slipping and his hands began to slip down the pole and he slowly just slide down in this plank position holding onto the pole till he eventually came to rest on his tummy. He then looked up and went to me “You seen that all didnt you” I was in floods of tears from laughing and had to help him up. certainly made my day and he found it hilarious also :L

Answer #10

Haha!! That’s funny:) lol

Answer #11

some one smashed other guys head with a frying pan , but i started it none else know until this day , it was really funny , i laughed my guts out after 4 years

Answer #12

Back in the ealy 1950s, I rememnber were were at home and my father was fixing his motor (again). In those days, motors wer not very reliable. Anyway, he had his head in the engine and I, as a young boy, climbed in (the motor) and blew the horn. My father stood up quickly and banged his head upon the bonnet, It was the funniest thing I’ve ever seeen and I still laugh about it to this day!

Answer #13

“And that, dear children, is how I met your father!” {=^D

Answer #14

BadBoyVibes’s story reminds me…

My brother and I and our friend Chuck had just hitchhiked to San Francisco, I think it was in 1970. We were just walking around enjoying the neighborhood, probably by Haight Street, I suppose. My brother and Chuck were both tripping on acid (LSD). Now, Chuck, you have to understand, was always deathly afraid of dogs. Even cute, small, cuddly, non-threatening dogs. Even, for gosh sakes, puppies! So we’re walking down the street, and here comes someone walking the other way, toward us, with a dazzling white Samoyed dog on a leash. Uh-oh, my brother and I looked at each other, afraid Chuck was going to freak out, and wondering what to do. Well, Chuck and the dog walked right up to each other face to face and the dog jumped up and put its front paws on Chuck’s chest and Chuck hugged and laughed with the dog while the dog licked Chuck’s face! Later that night or the next day, after Chuck and my brother had come down from the acid, we asked him what was up with him and that dog and why he hadn’t been terrified? “What dog?” he asked. “You know, the fluffy Samoyed.” “Oh!” said Chuck, “you mean that big fuzzy white caterpillar I met on the street? He was far out!”

Answer #15

Lol!!! Haha… xD

Answer #16

:D lol

Answer #17


Answer #18

watchin bare grills eating the eye of an animal

Answer #19

:O oh wow

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