Fun Crazy Things To Do This Summer?!?

What are some fun things me and my BFF can do this summer? we’re both 15 we already now about swimming and movies and sh** liek that so far we have: -go streaking through town -go skinny dipping -do the whole sidewalk on her street in chalk -play baseball with tomatoes -camping -go around town getting random people to sign our t-shirts -have a free hug day -have a cake/pie fight

we need more though!! help!! =)

if we do go streaking it’d be at night so its not as visible. =) we already know about getting drunk

Answer #1

where’s the secluded park? I’ve been looking for something like that for a really long time!

Answer #2

Racing in shopping carts is major fun.

Answer #3

get whipped cream in a bottel and stray randoms have a hugging contest try on old peoples clothes knok and run on peoples houses(teaches, mates, old people) try to make a world record go out the street and throw water baloons at people go ghosting(follow random people around) prank people!!!

hope this helps!!!(:

Answer #4

Scavenger Hunt Go moshing at a concert Jump Trucking (jump on the back of a truck/van and see where it takes you) Rock Climbing WalMart or Super Store Frogging(basically means you plan to sneak a sleepover, they stay open for 24 hours so hide and wait til everyones gone) Race while sledding or rolling down grassy hills T-P someone’s house Play Ding Dong Ditch at friends and familys house (their reactions are so much funnier than regular peoples) Dance in the rain Sneak into a movie Go Food Sampling (like trick or treating, instead of door to door you go store to store and collect random food samples–the mall food court is a good place to start. At the end of the day, dump all your collectibles on a plate and have lunch/dinner together) Mute Dialogue a Movie or a TV show (bring down the sound or mute it and make up what they’re saying lol) Mightime Glow PaintBall shooting/Water Balloon Fighting (fill guns with glow in the dark paint or fill water balloons and make a game of it at night…Remember the more you get hit the easier it is to find you and target you again. Play til you run out) Ride Railing of an escalator (run up a down escalator, run down an up escalator…Warning: the inexperienced WILL get hurt—or thrown out lol) Next time you go eat fast food go thru the drive thru without a car and demand service! Fast Food Hopping. Grab Mcdonalds fries, Burger King Whoppers, Wendy’s Frosty, Arby’s Mozzarella Sticks, KFC nuggets, Subway drink (or switch it around, then sit down outside a fancy restaurant and have a nice but cheap meal and do some people watching especially as they come out of the restaurant with empty wallets) Volunteer or get people to pay you to wash their cars (it’s fun in the summer especially to get wet and have a soap fight) Do some karaoke with friends or better yet go caroling hot hits door to door (if they complain say you’re observing a religious holiday, it’s even funnier to say after you finished singing “Baby Got Back”. Make sure to ask for any requests and try to beatbox even if you’re terrible at it)

Answer #5

-Put peanut butter on the handle of random cars -follow a random car home to mess with them -fast food football (have someone run through and grab your bag of food as the people are handing it to you;; you get another bag of food free) -dress up as the oppostie sex and go into public -hide behind things at the mall and throw eggs/water balloons at people walking by -get a whole basket of food, wait till its all checked out, and say you forgot your wallet -drive through the mcdonalds drive-thru backwards -get kicked out of wal-mart -rent golfcarts and race your friends on them -honk going through a neighborhood and wake people up -show up at the wrong house, pretend its your friends house (thats you’ve never been to) and just go right in and pretend everythings normal -rearrange your entire house before yout parents come home -get a bald cap, go to school and pretend like youi shaved your head -walk in public with your pants off casually -climb a tree and drop eggs on cars

Answer #6

well you sound like an outgoing person so I’d say, go CRAZY!

that’s what I usually do during the summer. and go to party’s and have fun nights with my girlfriend, or in your case boyfriend.

Answer #7

walk to the local gas station and buy a slurpie.

on your way there and back, count how many honks you get.

encourage by acting like a moron and wearing skanky clothes.

Answer #8
  1. Run around town and lick every shops window
  2. go out in your pjamas
  3. go paintbaling
  4. go to the park for a relaxing day out (:
  5. bring a wireless microphone into town and sing beside someone playing a guitar etc
  6. sit on your roof and throw water baloons at people.
  7. follow random people around and pretned to them you know them
Answer #9

Flour Bombing- it’s really cheap and easy… Buy a load of cheap tissues and flour. Open a tissue up and put about a handful of flour inside. Then screw the top of the tissue up so that it is sealed, but not too tight. Make as many of these as you like and split them out evenly between your friends. Find a large field or garden, put on some old clothes and go crazy throwing them at eachother (it’s even better at night!) Same rules apply as in paintballing!

Answer #10

me and my friend are also 15 and have a summer list of crazy things to do. hope it helps:

-sleep at a beach -skinny dipping -sleep in a park -throw atleast 10 park parties -have a bonfire -camp in the backyard -ride the subway all day -play midnight subway cart game (run from subway cart to subway cart before the doors close) -go pool hopping at night -throw a themed party (ex. football bros and cheerleading hoes) -wear bra and panties outside of clothes for a day -bbq and brewskies -water gun drive by -have a picnic on a roof -go to a concert after party -kegstand -go to a spa -go go-karting -drive in theatre -graffiti something -go paint balling -laser quest -have dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory

Answer #11
  1. Go to the zoo
  2. Go to a theme park
  3. Go to a water park
  4. Go camping
  5. write a book
  6. Get a tan
  7. try a new style
  8. Get a new hair doo
  9. go to a pizza place with your mates :]

hope I helped -x

Answer #12

Here is a nice list of some fun things you and your friend can do this summer that are age appropriate:

-Water Park -Theme Park -Bowling -Old Fashioned Slip and Slide! -Go to the beach -Go to the Zoo -Volunteer -Water Skiing -Sunbathing -Horse Back Riding -Fishing -Pick Berries -Sports Games -Concerts -Outdoor Picnic -Museums -BBQ -Bonfire -Fireworks (if they are legal in your area) -Moon Bounce -Water Gun/Water Balloon Fights -Try a new food every day -Canoeing

Answer #13

You can got to Wal-Mart and when the announcer comes on Say this “Its those voices again!!!” Scream that in an isle!! Then go into a random store with a lot of people and scream”I WON THE LOTTERY!!!” And when you are in class lightly bob your head to a light tune and thenthink of a really heavy metal tune and just whip out the air guitar and everthing thrash your head around too!!!

Answer #14

Flour Bombing- it’s really cheap and easy… Buy a load of cheap tissues and flour. Open a tissue up and put about a handful of flour inside. Then screw the top of the tissue up so that it is sealed, but not too tight. Make as many of these as you like and split them out evenly between your friends. Find a large field or garden, put on some old clothes and go crazy throwing them at eachother (it’s even better at night!) Same rules apply as in paintballing!

Answer #15

me and my girlfriends are always going to the mall like so early in the morning. and then we do something that will make us get taken off of the premeses!!!

Answer #16

Take ketchup packets from McDonalds and leave them under car tires in a parking lot. Do the same with eggs and rotten tomatoes. Have a yard sale. What I’ve always wanted to do (and maybe I will this summer :)) is leave a hamburger on top of someone’s car and wait in a car nearby and watch their reaction… maybe do something similar? I will post more ideas as they come to me.

Answer #17

well I would not want to do these but: 1. eat something that is bad for you, then bathe in pepto-bismal 2. tie yourself to the back of a car then jump off while its moving and have someone videotape you getting extremely bad road-rash at the speeds of 50 to 70mph…

Answer #18

WELL, I’m a totes crazy sagittarius and I luvvv to do crazy things ! lololol ! so this is what I do. I run around in my underwear (by myself) with a wand and my harry potter outfit and yell spells at people !!! ROFLCUPCAKES hope that hlped!!! bye!!!

Doug Kay

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