Should I tell my Counselor I'm getting bullied?

Ok, so at my school we have 4 teams, and I’m on the Puma’s but right now I want to swtich because my so called friends keep calling me korean trash and all of that stuff. My coulsler says I can’t switch unless its really nessacary. But I didn’t tell her that I keep getting bullied and in fights. Should I tell her the truth? If I do I’ll probably get beaten up and everything. What should I do?

Answer #1

I would try talking to them about it first, and if that doesn’t work, go to the counselor as a last resort. But usually if you stand your ground (and stand up to them), they’ll stop.

Answer #2

u shouldn’t let people bully u, and if you know tae kwondo, use it them( if they try to hit u) if not, tell a teacher, or even your parents. :)

Answer #3

Honesty is the best policy. Tell her what is going on and let her handle it discreetly. Those who call you names and demean you are not your friends. You’d be better off to drop them and get new ones. God bless

Answer #4

how old are u? maybe you should work on your fighting skills, kick a lil a$$ an they’d stop messin with u. but I suppose results would vary by the situation, so just go ahead an tell the counselor

Answer #5

Yuuve Gotta Tell Her

Buh Make Sure That Yuu Tell Her That If It gets Out That Yuuve Told Her Then Yuur Prob Get Battered!

She Can Help Yuu With It All


Answer #6

u should tell her but not to go up to to them.. and if that works but they keep messing with you well c if she can do something abotu it

Answer #7

I would tell your counselor the truth and how you feel about the whole situation. if you fear getting beat up than you should tell her that too that way they can do something about it.

Answer #8

dude tell your giudence caunselor that you are beeing bullied remember your counselor wount tell anyone about your personal stuff because that is ilegal and its her job to be there and listen and take action. tell her the name of those kids and report them if you want ok buddy. I used to be picked on and I moved and when I moved back to the school I grown bigger than thoses kids and I learned how to box in my country, you must learn how to deffend urself no matter what.

Answer #9

so called friends? Either their your friends or not, if they are your friends don’t take it so personally. Me and my buddies always rag on each other about our race, mexican, caucasian, italian. But if they are not your friends you have to stand up for yourself. And now im going to be very honest, mabey not the best advice but its what I think is true. You tell and your as is gone, everyone will think your a loser and it would only get much worse, I seen it happen. You do not want to go through the rest of school being that kid. Your only chance is to stand up for yourself, its time to man up!!! They pick a fight, punch em right in the nose, I know you don’t want to but seriously, its the only way. Even if you get you as kicked they will respect you more, they will leave you alone when you start leaving marks on them. Time to Man up, the question is, will you

Answer #10

u shouldn’t let people bully u, and if you know tae kwondo, use it them( if they try to hit u) if not, tell a teacher, or even your parents. :)

Answer #11

Of corse tell her. Just ask her not to say the reason. If you have a cool counseler like mine, tell her if anyone asks, to…bend the truth

Answer #12

you call these friends?! screw them.Hope you get to play your guitar soon!

Answer #13

yes you should tell your counselor

Answer #14

I Would Just Like To Say Something About ‘samviddo’ The Consler can tell if Its Something Really Serious.. x

Answer #15

Tell to your friend that you don’t like when you calling me korean trash or what ever.

Answer #16

Why wouldnt you tell your counselor? are you afraid of her too? Just tell someone.

Answer #17

tell the counsler or wack em one with the ball

Answer #18

yeah beat em down if you can! dont take racial payouts from nobody! although the counsellour is a secure way to certify that these idiots are out of your way! although they may want to fight you afterwards dude dw I bet you step up and show your not screwing around anymore thell bak down! dude go to the counsellour first tho she can organise this all out for you! fighting is always a second prefrence! but if you have to step up to them show them your angry and your not going to take anymore of there craP!!!

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