Freked out!

Ok so last night I was sleeping very contorbly and then I openned my eyes because I felt something beside and it was my dad right there watching me sleep! I was so frked out! what do I do I cant sleep know! And when I asked him he toroly just stared at me and chanched the subject> WTF?!

Answer #1

you should do the same to him if he keeps doing it see what he thinks! haha

Answer #2

I would tell your mom because that is really creepy was that the only time if it wasnt then it might begin to escaled to something else so tell your mom or someon else now.

Answer #3

sometimes we imagine things especially if you have just waken up you think you see something or did something when later on you realize really didnt happen it was only because we are just waking up

but if this is not the case, talk with a neighbor or a friend or your mom about this he may have been doing something he wasnt supposed to be doing (if you know what I mean)

how do you feel health wise ? do you feel different down there ?

Answer #4

Are you comfortable with your Dad? If you ever feel scared of him, you should talk to your Mom or another trusted adult about how you feel and get their advice. They know you and your Dad better than the people on funadvice do, so they’ll be able to provide a better solution. Never be afraid to call the police if he has hurt you or you get the feeling he might. Good luck!

Answer #5

umm omg!!! That’s scary!!! Well if you really want to know what he was doing… Don’t care about anything and just go right ahead and tell him why he was doing that and that you don’t feel comfortable… and I don’t know what’s your relation ship with your dad so I don’t know what else 2 tell u. Sorry but go right ahead … If he change the subject bring it back right away n… If he keeps doing it then you should contact the police..

Answer #6

well were really close, is just that he dosent talk much lately, but we are really close or at least use to be.

Answer #7

yeah I know but my mom dont pay attencion, but thaks anyway! :)

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