For Naruto fans ONLY--Uchiha Sasuke: cool guy or loser?

Hey! I was just wondering… Btw, this is 4 fans of tge Naruto Anime/ manga…but what do you people think about Uchiha Sasuke? He’s one of the most divisive characters in the series, at least among the fandom. Personally, I think he’s nothing but a jerk. And a pathetic one at that. He’s always either bragging about how he’s the best, or getting his butt handed to him and saved by the main target of his condescending (sp?): Naruto, the one considered to be THE MOST PATHETIC NINJA of the village, in part one. In pt. 2, he leads a team, but STILL treats them like crap…and is still saved by them, not that he deserves it. Oh, and btw, I KNOW he had a bad life, doesn’t wanna form bonds, etc…but if he’s gonna talk down to someone ALL the time, and get his sorry a$$ saved by the SAME person he puts down all the time, you’d think ye’d either wake up or SHUT UP. I COULD go on, but then this would be really long, so if you wanna hear more/ wanna debate, just say so in your answer. I’m mostly looking for opinions, tho…

Answer #1

Yup, truth.

Answer #2

hes a loser!

Answer #3

he was kind of a emo brat in the old Naruto season but in Shippuden he turns AWESOME! now he’s like one of my favorite characters!

Answer #4

I agree…and I knew already that Uzumaki Naruto ISN’T pathetic (but thnx for stating your point in a polite way, lol), I just worded it that way b/c Sasuke-baka always called him that during pt 1. I tried to answer earlier, but apparently when I outlined his battle history for u, it was deleted or something…maybe I was too harsh? Well here goes…See, he’s been bailed out of EVERY major fight in pt. 1. This would be the Zabuza, Haku, Orochimaru, and Gaara fights in that order. In pt. 2, he is cheapened even more…his first major fight was against Orochimaru, and while he did win this one on his own, it was mostly luck…as in he was lucky his Sharingan was enough to overpower Orochimaru. Next major fight for Sasuke in pt. 2 was against Deidara (one of my fave Akatsuki members, by the way) and Sasuke only “won”…b/c Deidara used a suicide technuque…and Sasuke used a Manda (the giant purple snake Orochimaru used to summon/ leader of all Naruto-verse snakes) as a shield, thus killing Manda. Next, he fights Itachi, and proceeds to pretty much get beaten to a pulp…even though it looks like they fought to a draw…Heck, Sasuke’s new ultimate technique, “Kirin” (or w/e it’s called), was DEFLECTED by Itachi! Itachi could’ve EASILY OBLITERATED Sasuke-baka, but lost, b/c he was sick and ALREADY DYING ANYWAY! And after that, he and his team join Akatsuki, and they fight the 8-tails jinchuriki (the man the 8-tails demon is sealed in), and not only does Sasuke ALMOST DIE TWICE, he’s TRICKED into bringing Akatsuki A CLONE! (Y’know, like Naruto’s shadow clones) And his battle record aside, his Mangekyo Shringan usage disappoints me. Honestly, it’s probably not even his! If Itachi can transfer power (he gives some of his own power to Naruto right before he battles Sasuke), then why not his Sharingan abilities? (he set an Amanterasu trap IN SASUKE’S EYE, so I’m not sure what the upper limits of his capabilities were) Anyway, what’s up with that attitude of his, eh? after such pathetic battle results (imo, winning by default/ technicality= FAIL.) you’d THINK he’d at least be respectful to others (Heck, he even goes as far as calling his teacher by his first name once -FM me for an explanation) Also, it’s really annoying how, in pt. 1, he attrracts almost every female in his age group! (yes, INCLUDING Tenten and Temari!) And then…there’s Karin in pt. 2. And…he proceeds to treat almost all of them LIKE CRAP, which, in my book, also=FAIL. so…yeah. Oh, and if an editor deletes this post, could you do me a big favor and FM me, telling me why you did. That way, I won’t end up making the same mistake over again, and that means less work for u, right? (not that I’m calling you lazy…but you probably already understand, don’t you…? Oh, and I’m sorry this is in the wrong catecgory, lol. I JUST noticed…really srry!

Answer #5

hes hot!but I watched some video athat you cuold punch him and kick him and blow hisf**king head of!I think he likes sakura though.and naruto is not pathetic at all!and my friend and I saw him killing sakura with a bazooka.its on person who put it up is called ichiogogod(the fouth akastsu)check it out!please continue your text on this though!its really intresting.

Answer #6

I think Sasuke is a bastard. A complete and TOTAL bastard! The way he treats Naruto (my baby) and Sakura (I dont like her but still…) its just so WRONG. And besides that he has hair like a chicken butt or pineapple. I cant think a guy with hair like that is cool. Im sorry, but that goes against the rules of NATURE!!!

Answer #7

and anyone reading this and wondering wtf I’m talking about, either post a repose here, or FM me. Or, if you want, you could post a comment on my page, lol

Answer #8

@ littokiki: AMEN. It seems great minds think alike, eh? Lol, and what’s the deal, giving Sasuke so much panel time, just for more angst, melodrama, and fail…? And using Naruto’s sage training as an excuse to make him a side character, no less! HELLO, Kishimoto! This manga ain’t called “Sasuke”! …although, it’s partially justified in that Naruto after training, can KICK THE A$$ of the (supposedly) MOST POWERFUL NINJA IN THE WORLD. HAVE YOU SEEN 6-tailed Kyubi Naruto?! shudder I’m just GLAD Naruto can control it…apparently, that is…’because otherwise the whole WORLD is screwed, lol.

Answer #9

I don’t like him much.. but my sister is in complete love!!! I don’t like his attitude!! he’s a pretty horrible person.. anywayz, I think Naruto is awesome!! he’s one of my favourite characters!! And Naruto has really pretty blue eyes! :) but I like Haku.. I used to like Orochimaru, but he’s hard to keep up with and I get stressed out extremely easily.. so now I just love Haku! always have, but now I love him more than Orochimaru… but I never noticed that Haku was so girly and fit my personallity based on the people I like… (I like really feminine guys btw–read my interests:))

Answer #10

@ yumiyukai:

I agree. I can’t uderstand girls who like him (either in the series or in rl) at all…At least the girls who liked him (mainly Yamanaka Ino and Haruno Sakura) seemed to grow out of it. I can’t stand that A**HOLE’S attitude! Naruto IS cool. lol, you have to b a strong person to live a life like his and be so happy. Seriously, though, I really thought Haku was a girl until Squad 7 referred to him as a guy…lol

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