What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus?

Answer #1

It means to be a believer of the religious idol, Jesus Christ.

Namely, a CHRISTian (Christian), although some people do believe in Jesus but don’t want to commit themselves to to religion. Christians often follow rules stated in their holy book, The Bible. The Bible is spilt into two parts, the Old and New Testement. The Old Testement is the basic rules and if you ask me, quite violent and nasty (My opinion, don’t yell at me :P). However, the New Testement tells the life of Jesus Christ, son of God.

I guess to be his follower woud mean to try and use his example of goodness and kindness although SOME Christians don’t understand tat message -.- But let us avoid a rant :) That’s just what I believe to be a follower of Jesus however I am not a Christian. Hell, I’m antichrist :P

Answer #2

It means that you believe in his teachings, that he died on the cross for your sins, (very courageously) that he is the light and savior of the world. Jesus said “ I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me” The New Testament of the Bible has all the information. The gospel of Luke is the very best one to read if you want to understand what Jesus is all about. It explains it all and it’s quite a story. To read Luke would be an excellent education for you and would answer your question much better than I can. God Bless.

Answer #3

The movie “Passion of the Christ” is very accurate, but doesn’t explain everything. Read Luke in The New Testament and you will be very knowledgable about Jesus.

Answer #4

to b a follower of Jesus is to believe in Him and keep his commandments and also to read the scripture and put it into practice.

Answer #5

finally, a short to the point answer!

Answer #6

Why are you antichrist ?

Answer #7

..because I don’t like God? I’m sick of hardcore Christians having a go at me for being Pagan-Wiccan and gay. Very few Pagans-Wiccans are antichrist, it’s just me. I just don’t like being judged for my sexuality with only religious veiws for justification :P

Answer #8

That you believe in him..that you follow something.like maybe your catholic|christian.

Answer #9

It means you believe in Jesus and that He was the Son of God sent to be sacrificed for us.

Answer #10

I think that’s called being a christian , but being a follower means a lot more. From my experience and the previous answers I think it means to be willing to deny yourself , hold your cross and sacrifice for Jesus. It means to do and say as you think Jesus would do and say no matter what the consequences of that doing and saying are.

Answer #11

But no true christian will judge you and noone has the right to. Listen to me I don’t care what your religious belief is nor what your sexuality is. I care to tell you this because God cares about you and loves you to the extent that he sent his only son to die for you on the cross to grant you the eternal life a life with him away from satan and sins. He loved you that much and he still loves you and he has a perfect plan for your life if you accept him as your personal savior and acknowledged his work on the cross. You can make sure of that by talking to God , pray talk to him, visualize him infront of you and talk to him as you talk to your friend. Ask him to talk to you , to show you the right path, to prove himself to you. He is there believe me I am sure , he is waiting for you , he is your father and loves you more than any earthly father . Just give it a try and get to know him more by reading the bible and talking to him . you will not lose anything

Answer #12

But no true christian will judge you and noone has the right to. Listen to me I don’t care what your religious belief is nor what your sexuality is. I care to tell you this because God cares about you and loves you to the extent that he sent his only son to die for you on the cross to grant you the eternal life a life with him away from satan and sins. He loved you that much and he still loves you and he has a perfect plan for your life if you accept him as your personal savior and acknowledged his work on the cross. You can make sure of that by talking to God , pray talk to him, visualize him infront of you and talk to him as you talk to your friend. Ask him to talk to you , to show you the right path, to prove himself to you. He is there believe me I am sure , he is waiting for you , he is your father and loves you more than any earthly father . Just give it a try and get to know him more by reading the bible and talking to him . you will not lose anything

Answer #13

God bless you lara

Answer #14

Please don’t taken this as a rant, it’s me trying to justify why I disagree without your previous statement; You’re kind of stepping on my point that I don’t want the Christian god. My religion states that I have to accept EVERY belief and religion; that includes Satanism, the fact that I must be ‘saved’ from Satan is offensive. Although we don’t believe in Satan, we must respect those who do as we must respect those who believe in Budda, God, Muhammad, Jehovah ect. It’s horrible to think that Satanists must suffer hate as much as we do. I have a Satanist bestfriend and she’s the sweetest thing ever, would never hurt a thing. I’m a polytheist, I accept that not a father made me but a mother and a father.. we believe that nothing can be made without the opposite, good, bad, male, female, light, dark. I’ve read the Bible and it doesn’t appeal. I actually have Staurophobia - fear of the cross.

I’m sorry but living by my religion’s laws, I have nothing to go back to and no reason to be saved.. I’m being reincarnated for a start :)

Answer #15

I don’t wanna get too deep in this between you and lara, but I have a question: How is sataism a religion? It is totaly contradictory. How does a person “worship” satan? It seems that anyone who worships satan must believe in God because they are both in the Bible. The Dali Lama (a great man) is a buddist, but does not worship satan, just believes in a different spirituality. Muslims don’t worship satan for example. If a person worships satan, they must believe in God because they are tied together in the history of the scripture.

Answer #16

^^ Agreed. To believe in one is to recognise the existence of the other :)

Answer #17

Can you please tell us more about your religious belief , what exactly do you believe in ? what rituals do you practise and where ?

Answer #18

A religion is the concept of worshipping/acknowledging a higher power. Satan is classed as a higher power I guess. And he represents not evil but rebellion. And did you mean me when you wanted me to explain my religion?

Answer #19

Allow me to assure you that satan is the master of deception. As long as you are decieved and manipulated to his will, (and he tries very hard) then he has power over you, otherwise he is just a wanna be and can never prevail although he will try until the bitter end. The only thing that has classified him as a higher power is himself and others who have been manipulated by him. He tried to manipulate Jesus when he was hungry and tired and at a very potentiallly weak moment in his life, and satan thouight he had him in the bag when he offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if he would bow down and worship him. (why did satan have to try and barter here for something he wanted? is it because it’s the only way he can operate?) Then Jesus, when he was in a real bad way said: “get behind me satan, for it is written……….

Answer #20

yes I meant you , can you please explain your religious belief and its rituals ?

Answer #21

“Wicca is a religion that roots from Paganism. It’s a polytheist, all-accepting, and nature-oriented religion.”

I can only really speak for Wicca. Wicca is an ancient religion that comes from the root religion, Paganism, just as Angelicans come from Christianity. It’s known as a polytheist religion but this discludes the worship of Satan. Wiccas do not reject Satan as we are supposed to respect all religions, we simply do not believe in him. As Christianity has a main deity, Wicca has the God and the Goddess. The Goddess is the more dominant God and highlights the feministic veiws of most Wiccans. According to myth, the God “dies” during winter which sparks of a series of events. Like Christianity has Easter and Christmas, Wicca has 20 holidays, 8 sabbats and 12 full moons. The Wiccan holidays are said to be much older than the Christian ones; the word “Easter” primarily comes from the name “Ostare” which is the Pagan holiday held to celebrate the Goddess “Ostara”. Yule is the Pagan Christmas which has a likeness to Christian except the Goddess gives birth to a son, although this story was told a few hundred years BC.

Wiccas may choose to acknowledge these Gods, 10 Gods, 100 or more or even none. Atheist Wiccas do exist. They may class themselves as witches. (I will come onto this later.)

Wiccans do not except having a Bible because we reject the idea of following law. We only have the Wiccan rede; Short version

Bide the Wiccan law ye must In perfect love, in perfect trust Eight words of the Wiccan Rede forfill; An’ harm ye none do what ye will

What ye sends forth comes back to the So ever mind the Rule Of Three Follow this mind and heart Ye merry meet, ye merry part

When it refers to “sending back”, it means witchcraft. Many Christians misinterpret it as sin but witchcraft in Wicca is a form of prayer. We aren’t allowed to harm anyone via magick (spelt the BC way in which when the Bible was written, the word “magick” is mispelled), that means no hexing, no hurting. But, as there are paedoph!le priests and terrorists in religion, of course there are “bad” witches. They just aren’t really Wiccan. Then again, there are witches who do good and reject religion.

The Rule Of Three is karma. What ever you do, it will come back to you times three. We will not go to hell but suffer our bad deeds concequences in this life. Many Wiccas accept reincarnation as an afterlife.

You see, this is why I don’t reject Satan. I am explicitly told to “harm ye NONE”, no matter their beliefs :)

Answer #22

you follow him on twitter. ;)

Answer #23

*accept having, oops :P

Answer #24

Dear Charli, Thanks for explaining to me , it helped me to have a clearer view and at the same time it raised some questions let me share it with you :

First , just to make things right . You seem to appreciate how your religion respects other religions, well let me say that this is not a new idea. The Bible says “Don’t judge, so that you won’t be judged” , maybe the christians you came acroos ignore this verse , but that’s the spirit of the Bible and no way people will ever be able to represent their religion perfectly.
Second, about the God,Godess you believe in why do you believe and love them ? What have they done to you My God left his glory at heaven and came as a carpenter’s son to this earth and died for me on the cross to purify me and grant me eternity .No other God can show a greater love . Not only that , my God also promised me eternity with him at heaven as an heiress . Third, Have you ever wondered where are we going after this life ? it is a serious subject , you believe in reincarnation which to tell you the truth if you think about it doesn’t seem logical. For example , my soul or the souls of my beloved can re enter this world in the body of an animal or an insect !! i believe that our souls will be judged , there is only one way (Jesus) you don’t believe in him you are doomed. This is serious , it is a matter of life or death. I respect your religion , but why don’t you give it a second chance, don’t care about christians and their behaviours , focus on the one and only who loves you to death and is waiting for you to accept him , you are his son and he will grant you eternity which is there and people have seen it . As I said give it a try , try talking to him and listen to the little voice inside you ..

Answer #25

You don’t quite understand, do you? Why is it so hard to grasp, my practices have been around before even Jesus was supposedly born. I don’t want to enter a monotheistic religon, I am polytheist. And what has she done for me? She doesn’t need to prove herself. She did not sacrifice her child because we are her children. That’s why we don’t think Jeus dying on the cross brought anything at all. Reincarnation is logical, everything starts as a cild and ends in death and goes on in a circle. Wiccans accept that you be brought back as a human. And what has God done for me? Your God sat and watched whilst his people tortured and murdered hundreds of my people - men, women and children - in his name after being branded as “witches”. And I take the Bible as no evidence. “Take a few pages from the Bible and leave it out in the rain. After a few days, some will have been blown away by the wind and the rest will have had the ink run by rain. The rain and are wind are my Bible.

I don’t really want to listen at all. The practice done in Wicca make me feel more connected to my GodS than any prayer done in God’s name. I just don’t want to be a Christian because in my eyes, God has NOT sent his son for my sins because being Wiccan, I haven’t committed any sins against my Gods. He did NOT save my soul, I DO NOT feel connected to any Christians via their faith. I also don’t want to join any religion that has had a war. You had the crusades. No war has ever been fought in the name of Wicca~ Don’t be offended, I just won’t be converted.

Answer #26

It is not God who starts war it is people. It is religion no matter wat u believe. People are sinners. God cannot control that becuz we have free will. thats why he lets us do wat we choose and u call him mean for that?? well people are the k!llers, people are the totureres. Not God.. Its not his fault, he gave us free will. but all he is sayin is there will be consiquences in the end.. Just wanted to add to that. God does not want us fighting in his name but we as people will becuz we all sin. In order for Him to look upon us we have to be forgivin which is why Jesus died. The punishment for sin is death. which is why he died for us. I respect ur belief but i just wanted to point out a few things u were lacking in knownledge. so the next time u wanna say our God is mean becuz of peoples desisions remember he gave us free will. unless u would rather be controlled like a puppet

Answer #27

Jesus didn’t say go and fight for me like the crusades did under the execuse of converting people. This is all wrong people of war may be christians and they may fight under the nameof Jesus and sign of cross , but they Don’t represent christianity . Jesus’s great advice for us is to love each other as he loves us. I respect all what you said , but why do u consider natural elements as your bible and ignore the person who created them ? they couldn’t have created themselves ? about sins and u claiming that you are not a sinner , well it is not a choice , all humans are born sinner and need salvation because of the original sin ( Adam’s and Eve’s sin) what we have to do with their fault? it is our nature who wil drive us always towards sins , if we where in their place we will eat from the forbidden fruit over and over again. I am not offended at all ,but I want u to know jesus message becoz it is my responsibility to deliver it . By the way the jesus dying on the cross was to purify us from the original sin that we are stuck with , it is the same concept of the offers given to greek gods , but jesus was the lamp of god the ultimate sacrifice that can cleanse all humanity’s sins. I am happy because I have a God who loves me to the extent that he died instead of me and made me an heiress of his kingdom. He proved that he loves and cares about me ..

Answer #28

When you believe in Yehshua, you become part of spiritual Yisrael, the nation of YHWH. You are then part of the covenant of Abraham. You choose to become a bond servant of the Messiah, follow in His footsteps and obey his commands.

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