Flirting for a reason?

Hi guys. So there is this boy in my school who I’ve grown very close to over the past year or so. We’re really good friends. And I’ve considered being more then that, since I know for a fact that he liked me last year, and I kind of suspect he likes me this year. Anyways, whenever I think of being anything more then friends with him, I get all grossed out and like…NO WAY! THATS SOOO WEIRD EWWW!!! but then, whenever I’m talking with him, I find myself flirting up a storm!!! I could never imagine anything between us, but I don’t know why, it’s almsot like instinct to flirt with him! what is this!?! is it that I actually like him??! I mean, why else would I be flirting, but like…a;dkfjaldkfj I don’t know!!

Answer #1

It just means that you’re attracted to him, doesn’t mean you should go out with him. You just have a connection with him that causes you to flirt, some people just flirt to be friendly so there’s really nothing wrong with it.

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