
Why is it that men/women flirt with other people when they are in a serious relationship? Do you think they know when to stop? and when it’s not considered as flirting?

Answer #1

believe it or not speaking from the point of veiw of someone often accused of the same thing to some people a flirtatious nature is something the “flirter” may not even realize he/she is guilty of trying talking about but keep a level head so a conversation doesn’t become an arguement that causes problems that can’t be fixed

Answer #2

Not all the people want live always “serious” life. Time to time it is nice to step out from the seriousness, do some flirting, and go back to the “serious” partner.

Answer #3

Dear dawnslight, Flirting can be from a glance to a long lingering look . We all look but it’s the second looks when you’re with your partner that is hurtful flirting and can be very harmful to a relationship. It’s human nature to seek out the attention for both male and female but when you’re with your partner there shouldn’t be a need for it. Flirting is a great conversation for couples who are considerate of each others feeling and it lets us know boundaries and expectations of one another. Sue

Answer #4

Well everyone has a natural instinct to flirt. I sometimes flirt with other people on accident and im in a relationship. It’s normal.

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