Fingers on the guitar oui

I been playing about 7 month’s now, and my fingers still are geting lines in them, and I dont know what to do about it, do you know, & how do I keep my fingers from tuching the strings that I don’t want to tuch please help me with this thank’s

Answer #1

Hold your fingertips in a glass of spiritus for 10 minutes every day for seven days. Regards L.Kellerman

Answer #2

Your always going to get lines on your fingers, It’s normal. Once you’ve been playing a long time, the skin on the tips of your fingers will harden, and it will become easier and not kill your fingertips.

And about only touching the strings you want…make sure when your playing that your fingertips are more straight up, on the strings you want to play, and not bent because that causes you to touch another string, and your not going to get the smoothe sound you should be getting.

Answer #3

always make sure it’s just your fingertips on the strings, I’ve been playing nearly 3 years and I still get lines and cuts on my fingers, it’s natural.

if you don’t want your fingers on strings you don’t want to use at that point, make sure you’ve got your fingers bent so that you’re almost clenching your hand around the guitar and press down with THE VERY TOP of your finger, not where the finger print is, closer to the nail, this is how all good guitarists (and ones like me :p) are able to hit a fast series of notes without messing a not up or whatever.

it will seem uncomfortable at first, but it is probably the best method and you will get used to it after a couple of weeks.

keep up the guitar man, it’s a f**king awesome instrument with endless possibilities!

Answer #4

Hold your fingertips in a glass of spiritus for 10 minutes every day for seven days. I think this answer helps!

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