Fat? Ugly? People call me this, how to deal with it?

People call me fat and ugly and I just need some advice about what 2 to about it

Answer #1

There haters! I have a TON of em! They just try putting you down tew make themselves feel good! There jealous! That’s all I cud say! I have soo many people hating on mee when they don’t even noo me and you no what I do I laugh! because you no what Haters make me famous! lol its that simple they just want to make you feel crappy because they feel like sh*t about themselves! Ignore it because you want to no what your beautiful no matter what they say! Idkk how you look but im sure your beautiful on the inside and out! Soo just forget about all them people hating on you because there all jerks! Do what I do laugh at them because they obviously just got nothing better tew do but hate on u! Be confident and just ignore em! I hope I helped and trust me just take mi advice don’t let them see it hurts you because then that eggs them on and shows that you care,and I no its hard because I hate when people don’t like me when they don’t no me but you no what there tons of people who are going to dislike you in your life because that’s just how people are but stay strong okayy :) Good luck!

Answer #2

well, pick a style, something cool, like scene, and go for it, dont change to fast, people will call you a poser, but pick a style, look it up, and change your outward appearance, it helped me, now everyone loves me for who I am, because my outward appearance didnt scare them away anymore

Answer #3

Honestly, when people insult me, I just tell them that if they insult me, they’re insulting God too, because this is the way he made me.

Answer #4

I say you ignore it. They are just trying to make themselves feel better. Don’t let it get to you.

Answer #5

Like I say to everyone else. pellet gun there arss >]

Answer #6

just forget then honestly they dont matter dont let them get to you! if you are a beliver in god use this quote that I live by when people say sh*t to me. “WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE THERE IS ONLY ONE JUDGE AND THATS GOD! SO STEP ASIDE AND LET ME FATHER DO HIS JOB” hope I helped

Answer #7

lose weight and get plastic surgery.

Answer #8

People are cruel! It’s horrible to hear that about yourself. If you believe those things and do not feel good about yourself, please ask someone to help you improve upon your appearance and to find ways to lose weight (if you truly need to). A few new outfits and (if you’re a girl) a little make-up, new hair do…whatever it is…be good to yourself. You deserve it. To those who say those horrible things to you, they have some serious issues and have no right talking to people like that.

Answer #9

Like the two people above have said, ignore the comments. And yes it is very hard to do because it does play on your mind. However you need to think positive, you can change, they can’t! They probably have some kind of problem that they can’t do anything about whereas you can for yourself. a lot more people are becoming more curvier, even the celebrities are. I am biggish and I do have my down days, but because I am so positive about myself, people look at me differently so they don’t dare put me down.

Be positive about yourself

Answer #10

you are precious , treat yourself preciously . its not what others think about you , its what you think about yourself that counts ,

Answer #11

People do pick on me lot like I am fat so I cry lot, ps I do not love fat. form:kingslee to: you

Answer #12

Just Ignore Them, People like that arnt worth knowing, they’ll call you names whatever because their those kind of people, be posative about urself!

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