Fat boy michael

Im a fat boy and weight 175 pounds and im 13 years old what can I do 2 lose some of my flubber?

Answer #1

I had the same problem. I said no more raised my calerie intake to 3500 caleries a day and worked out 4 hours a day. but I know if it will work for you but I came out built so I don’t know. before doing this ask your doctor. BIG THING THAT EXTRA1500 CALORIES CAME FROM PROTEIN DRINKS. so I don’t know ASK YOUR PHYSICION FIRST I DONT KNOW IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS OR DISPOSIONS. YOU NEED BLOOD WORK FIRST IF YOU PLAN ON DROPING MORE THAN 10 POUNDS ASK A DOCTOR DON’T SKIMP

Answer #2

grab a sport, its a great way to loose some pounds, I was like 160 when I was your age and now I’m about three years older, weigh 150 and quite built. I found it easier to got from fat to muscle than fat to skinny, and I feel your body fills out nicer that way. hope this helps

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